In Depths

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Underneath the Ocean's surface, under the sharpest of rocks, under the and the most colorful of coral reefs, Laid a Society. A society like no surface object had ever seen before. A world of mermaids and mermen alike, where they played with the fish and each other.

But, amongst all the mermaids, two never played by the rules. they had been best friends ever since they were guppies. Every day, ever since they met, they tried to swim to the surface, just to get a chance to touch the skies above. But, every time they got close, they always got caught by the royal guards. but today, they both had a feeling. they both felt as if today would be different.

Taco, the older of the two mermaids, swam up, leading her friend, Mic, up to the surface.

"Taco? I-I don't think this is a very good idea..." Mic said, following her friend. "The guards told us not to-" Then, Taco cut er younger friend off. "Hodge-Podge! they aren't the king! Plus, the world up above can't be that bad, can it?" Taco said, swimming even faster towards the surface.

she held mic's hand, and with the other hand, she reached out, hoping to atleast feel the warm summer wind, when, a someone yelled for them. a raspy yet, calm voice. below them, for the first time, someone other than a royal guard was. He was silver and black, with a pearly tail.

"what do you two think you're doing?" he said, cocking his head to the right. His hands where on his hips.

"well, why should we tell you?" Taco said, swimming up to the man's face. "we don't even know you!" "name's knife. we'll do introductions later, why are you trying to go up to the surface? you know that's against the rules, right?" he said, swimming backwards a bit. "we know, but, that won't stop us!" taco said, determined not to give up her simple dream.

"eh. your funeral." knife said, turning around and swimming away.

Sunlight on the waves // II2 Pirate Fantasy AU // Fanfiction // OLDWhere stories live. Discover now