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a familiar bang rang trough the boat, paired with the vibration and backlash of a cannon's shot. It rocked the boat too and trow, and made the sailors on the LBB fall over. they looked up, and they saw feathers boat coming for them.

"the hell?! I thought I killed him." Paintbrush said, looking upward at the boat.

"I didn't expect you to be the type to kill someone." lightbulb said, looking over at the tall paintbrush.

"well, he hurt torch, and i threw him overboard! he should be dead." paintbrush said, gesturing to the approaching boat.

Lightbulb facepalmed, and grabbed her scabbard "best we get ready to fight."

instead of a fight, though... they where met with lightbulb's ex. he held a half-unconcious feather in one hand, squirming about. he was much more beat up than how paintbrush left him, cuts all over his body, thick blood seeping out of one eye, burn marks on the tips of his fluff and, what was the icing on the cake, one of his legs was cut clean off, blood still gushing from the freshly cut wound. in the other hand, was a bloodied up sword, drenched in a rich red.

"You left him like that?!" lightbulb said, looking at paintbrush

"no! I only burnt him a little bit, he didn't look this bad..." they said, trying not to look at feather. their voice became shaky, even by looking at feather.

Bat chucked feather onto the deck of the LBB. feather landed on his side, he tried to get up, but ended up violently coughing up little bits of red, then limply dropping to the ground once more.

"There, in the pirate dump where you belong." bat said, he then looked at lightbulb, flipped her off "hes your problem now." bat said, then, he walked off.

then, the boat sailed away, not leaving anyone injured... well, accept feather. some of the crew walked up and surrounded in injured captain. not saying a word. then, lightbulb spoke. "well, its not like he didn't have it coming."

Paintbrush ignored lightbulb's remark, and gently picked up feather. they walked to fan's office, and places feather on one of fan's medical beds. Fan hears this, and looks over to see paintbrush with feather.

"the hell are you doing?" he says, looking at paintbrush.

"I need you to help him." paintbrush said, looking for a med kit.

"No way. i'm not gonna help someone who's caused us a lot. you're crazy if you think I will." Fan says, crossing his arms.

Paintbrush walked over to fan and places their hand on his shoulder, their grip was a little tight, but, not enough to cause pain. "do it." paintbrush said. All of a sudden, they found the tall brush more intimidating then ever before. though, it could've been that paintbrush was much taller than fan.

Fan shaked his head, and grabbed some medical supplies. "i'll do it, just don't do that creepy thing. ever again." he said. he then went to work on feather

days later,,, feather wakes up again. he looks around to see some of the sailors he once attacked surrounding him. they saw lightbulb, paintbrush, fan, and a few others.

"hey, you okay?" paintbrush finally said, looking at the injured captain. feather tried to speak, but, nothing came out. his voice? gone. not even a fragment was left. he just nodded shyly.

Paintbrush cocked their head, and gave feather a confused look. "can you speak anymore?" paintbrush asked, gently. Feather shook his head. "hold on." they said, they got up, then, grabbed some paper, and a pen. they handed it to feather. "write down what happened to you."

he wrote: "soon after you threw him overboard, I actually was able to swim back up. I was able to get back on the ship, but my crew -now seeing that I'm not as powerful as I made Myself out to be- started to attack me. they dropped me off here. i'm assuming because they found me useless."

"why here though?" fan asked.

He wrote more : "I don't really know."

Fan, Paintbrush and, Feather started to talk a bit, but, lightbulb, on the other hand, got bored and a little bit jealous. and it was obvious. she walked away from the others, not knowing test tube was following her.

"Jealous, Huh?" Test tube said, a bit mockingly. Lightbulb swiftly turned around.

"no." She said, looking away. she crossed her arms.

Test tube laughed a little "man, I can read you like a book! don't lie, Boss." she booped lightbulb's non-exsistant snoot as she said that.

Lightbulb soon walked away, glowing a soft red.

Sunlight on the waves // II2 Pirate Fantasy AU // Fanfiction // OLDWhere stories live. Discover now