Recoil (short chapter)

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Lightbulb was standing near the ledge of the boat, leaning on the railing. she was starring down at the water. how dark it was. there where thousands of creatures down there, that she, nor anyone else knew about. she zoned, thinking back on mistakes and decisions she had made in the past. she needed to move on from the whole paintbrush ordeal, it had been about a month since then, but, she just couldn't. she could feel the traces of guilt glaze her very soul, so badly did she desire to go back and change what she did but, it was already done.

she looked in the distance, she saw nothing, not even a single fish. but, she smelt the faintest trace of smoke lingered. it had taken paintbrush off her mind. she looked around, it came from nowhere nearby the ship, that's for sure, so, she didn't understand where it came from.

she then spotted something, peaking out from the horizon. it was feathers ship. she groaned, and grabbed her scabbard, as usual. she alerted everyone else. but, this time, it felt different. the boat was quiet. and the only thing she saw, was all the other sailors of feather's... tied up in a giant cage.

a shadow-ey figure stood ontop of the cage, and below them, a child stood.

It took lightbulb to adjust her eyes to the dark figure, but, when she did,,, she gasped. she dropped her scabbard in shock, it clanged and clashed against the oak. she felt a surge of joy run trough her. though, she also felt the pressure of guilt weigh upon her too.


Sunlight on the waves // II2 Pirate Fantasy AU // Fanfiction // OLDWhere stories live. Discover now