Under Attack, Reprise

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that morning, on the LBB, lightbulb was talking to fan about the last attack they'd endured.

"I think I killed one of feather's crew when that happened." fan said, looking at paintbrush, who was talking with soap.

"really? who?"

"I believe it was a... baseball bat? he was attacking paintbrush, and, I didn't want paintbrush to die, so..."

lightbulb beamed at the word that bat might be dead, which, made fan give her this dirty look.

"why are you smiling...?"

"I hate that guy. so. much. he had it coming."

"how so?"

"wait- what did he look like?"

"pale tan, a bandage wrapped around his handle"

"yep thats him- he was my fiance."


"yeah, but he was abusive, and I had nowhere else to go, so, I became a pirate with a help of some friends"

"oh wow"

they continued to talk, when they finished, lightbulb started with another sparring lesson.

the metal blades swung and flew in the air quickly, like dragons fighting in the night sky.

Paintbrush was getting good at sword fighting, like they where born for the practice.

paintbrush and lightbulb where dueling, when paintbrush hit lightbulb's sword. it flew into the air, and landed in the deck's floors by its blade, lodging itself, stuck.

"Great job, painty!"


"O-oh- uh sorry, I just thought that'd be a nice nickname-"

"I like it. If you think it suits me, then it does." they said, giving lightbulb a warm smile.

lightbulb walked over to her scabbard, grabbed it, then continued the duel. they dueled for hours, having fun while doing so; it was like some sort of dream.

then, from the corner of lightbulb's eye, she saw a familiar ship. feather's ship. when she spotted it, she dropped her sword, and alerted everyone.

she came back, picked up her scabbard, and tightened her bandana.

"they best not mess with us again." she said, feeling ready to take feather on again.

but, when they came onto the boat, she didn't see feather. instead, she saw bat. she was taken aback, fan told her that he was dead. she froze. even though she hadn't seen bat for years, she was still terrified of him. although he was injured.

"Hello, my darling." bat said, stepping closer to lightbulb.

lightbulb backed up "what do you want from me?"

"nothing much, just, you to come back to me. thats all, love." he said, stepping close, caressing her cheek, lovingly.

"I don't want anything to do with you, bat." lightbulb said, pushing bat away, pointing her sword at his face "you know what you did to me all those years ago, don't deny it. you sick, sick, man."

"awe, I thought you where gonna forgive me for that" he pouted.

"You're an idiot if you think I would." she said, stabbing the wood right next to bat's face. "get off my ship, you egotistical bastard."

Bat looked at lightbulb, shocked, him, being vein, didn't expect this to happen. he expected her to run back into bat's arms. but, obviously, it didn't happen. he tried to punch lightbulb, but ended up pulling her eyepatch off.

lightbulb stabbed bat's chest, and threw him back onto his original boat

"never come back into my life ever again." she said.

she then turned around to fan.


Sunlight on the waves // II2 Pirate Fantasy AU // Fanfiction // OLDWhere stories live. Discover now