40| Merry couple {edited}

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This is one of my favourite chapters I just love Y/n and Yoongi's relationship. Hope y'all enjoy:)


Before I knew it, the last day of our honeymoon had come. I was really upset to leave the stress-free world behind (and the sex) but I also missed my home after not seeing everyone for two weeks.

12 pm

 I woke up to the sun's glare on my face. "Yoongi wake up." I began to shake him. "Hey, you big baby wake up!"

His eyes shoot open and he hovered on top of me and began to tickle me "What was that princess? Repeat it so I can hear,"  He laughed.

"I love you Sugaaaa" I laughed trying to fight him off, but instead I put myself in a trap with no escape.

"Say oppa! " He laughed.

"No way. " He tickled me harder making me laugh uncontrollably.

"Oppa stop it!"He looked at me surprised but still very amused.

He then stopped tickling me, " Can't believe you said it!"He laughed.

"Yes, yes but I will never say it again so engrave it into your mind. I'm gonna go shower now you big meany." I then stuck out my tongue at him and went and took a shower. When I had finished I realised I didn't have a towel.

"Yoongi!"I shouted I began to feel quite chilly.

"Yes, princess." I could hear him just outside the door.

"I need a towel can you please get it for me?"

"Ye sure, one second." I heard him moving around the room. "Got it!" 

I opened the door and took it from him wrapping myself in it. "Thanks, you can shower now." I got off the bathroom and headed towards my suitcase and chose my clothes, wrapped my wet hair in a towel before searching for my hairdryer. I got dressed and dried my hair. Just when I finished Yoongi came out and got dressed while I attempted to brush my hair. It was tangled.

"Princess pass me your brush."I handed him my brush and he gently began to brush my hair removing all my knots from my hair. "All done." He said satisfied with my hair I went to check it out it looked stunning my hair looked extra silky and not a knot in sight.

"Thanks, Sugar. " I kissed him.

"I'm hungry, let's go eat, then we can sleep."

"Are you serious there will be no sleeping as long as the sun is out, now let's go." I dragged him out.

We went downstairs into the kitchen and ate breakfast. "Princess, where do you want to go?"He asked.

"Shopping!"I clapped my hands excitedly as if I had just been told the best thing in the world.

"Sure, how could I say no?" He laughed at his crazy wife's reaction.

5 pm

"Honey, I don't see the difference!" He exclaimed tiredly.

"One is lilac and the other one is violet."I was holding up two different fabrics stuck on which one to choose, but my husband is saying they look the exact same.

"I don't know, then." He sighed.

"Which one? Choose one!" I sighed back

"Fine the purple one then." He said combing his hand through his hair.

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