26|Home sweet home {edited}

57 13 0

 Few steps forwards. Hope y'all enjoy :) 


I swiftly turned around not wanting to meet his eyes for any longer, even though we had probably been stood there for only a few seconds, it had felt like time had stopped for an eternity. I ran inside into a lift, earning a few 'are you mentally okay' looks which was understandable since I was drenched from head to toe.

I got to my room and had a hot shower, Rose seemed to be peacefully sleeping believe me when I say she may be an early bird but she has got to be the heaviest sleeper I know. I jumped into bed and played my music but as soon as I closed my eyes the scenes from outside would just repeat it's self over and over as if I were stuck in a time loop.

I had been sifting and turning so much that Rose had even woken up just to ask me if I were okay. 


5 am

I gave up on trying to sleep so I just drew sketches, I did quite a few designs one had beads and pearls all over it. I don't know when but at some point my eyelids finally came to came to a halt.

"Y/n," I was being violently shaken by Rose who was fully dressed and had applied make-up. She then dragged me out of bed "You have half an hour go, go, go," she was rushing me into the bathroom. "I've left out some clothes for you, I'll pack the rest just go!" She exclaimed before pushing me into the bathroom and slamming the door.

I did my morning routine before changing into a black top and blue blazer, a grey wide-legged trousers, black heels and sunglasses, my eyes were red and swollen because I had barely got any sleep. I had tried covering it with makeup but it wasn't any use that's why even though it wasn't sunny I was going to wear sunglasses.

I grabbed my suitcase and my make-up case and walked into the lift. When I got down into the lobby, I handed reception my key. I put in my headphones and played some music, I turned to see the whole gang waiting for me, I walked over.

"Morning unnie, how are you?" Lisa asked.

I nodded " I'm good, how are you you?" 

"I'm fine." She replied with a cute smile.

"Should we go?" Jin asked. We all agreed and began to walk out of the lobby when we did we were welcomed by lots of fans and some paparazzi. I waved at everyone while still continuing to walk towards the coach. Just before I got in I shouted "Thank you for having us, we'll be sure to come back," I waved one last time and got inside.

I sat down next to Rose at the end of the limo, "Y/n, you got swollen eyes to don't you?" She whispered.

"Yep, I couldn't cover them properly with make-up." I then leaned on her shoulder.

"You poor thing your head is hot, you have a slight temperature!" She exclaimed. Yoongi and Jimin came out of nowhere and sat down.

He then put his hand on my forehead. I quickly turned away, and said, "Can we go please, we're going to miss our flight home."

"Yes madam," I think his name was Luca and he started driving. I sat up straight, not wanting to fall asleep to be woken up.

"Y/n," I looked at Yoongi. "Why were you stood in the rain for so long, when you knew you were going to get sick?"

"I find rain relaxing especially when I'm stressed. I'm am sorry to have worried you but don't worry it wasn't intentional, I just lost track of time." I then closed my eyes, not wanting to speak to him anymore.

Why am I so moody? Lack of sleep?

6:30 am

We ran inside the airport scared that the border would close, we checked in just on time, I was exhausted as we got on the plane. I sat with Rose and Jimin to my right and Yoongi to my left. To be honest, sleep caught up with me and I immediately fell asleep so the rest of the journey I was soundly asleep. 

I was woken up by Rose and I had been asleep on Yoongi's shoulder, but I didn't have the energy to be embarrassed or whatever so I got up grabbed my suitcases and we all got off the aeroplane.

We said our goodbyes and I got in a taxi with Yoongi, we told the driver our address and the rest of the car journey was silence. Once we got home Yoongi did the most shocking thing ever when we got out the taxi he picked me up bridal style handed the driver the money and went to continued to carry me to the front door.

Once we were inside he looked me straight in the eyes and said, "We're home."  

My brain hadn't been functioning for the past few minutes it finally processed everything and I just looked at him "Can you please put me down." 

"Wait," He then walked over to the sofa and gently put me down and covered me with a blanket "What do you want to eat?"  He asked me. I just looked at the maid who had been cleaning the house while we were away she had brought our bags in, she then bowed and left.

"What are you doing?" I was really confused so I answered his question with a question.

"You're sick but since I know that you will still go to work tomorrow. I will do everything in my power to nurse you back to health." He said with determination.


My face was already hot even though, it definitely got hotter, I turned my head away from him and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down. "Anything, I'm not really hungry so I won't eat much." I heard him walk away into the kitchen, I let out a large breath that I didn't know I was holding in the first place.

He got me so confused he gets me so mad but he can be so sweet and kind. The moment his name is mentioned my whole world comes to a stop and it's hard for me to focus afterwards. I must have been lost in thought for a while, "Y/n, wake up I made dinner." He had made me some rice and stew, I tried the smallest amount scared it wouldn't taste pleasant.

"It's so good," His food was amazing, much to my surprise.

"I'm really glad that you like it," He smiled proudly at me. I looked down at my food or the floor, to be honest, I looked anywhere that wasn't him.

"T-thank you," I just about managed to say before stuffing my mouth with rice in embarrassment.

"Hey, slow down, I made a bit extra," He then laughed and pointed at his cheek. I hesitantly moved in and pecked his cheek. He looked into my eyes, "I meant there is rice on your cheek."

I took the rice and ran up the stairs realising my mistake, of course, he didn't want me to kiss him. As I closed my bedroom door, for a second I thought I heard faint laughter and him saying cute.


Thanks for reading y'all hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and leave me some comments love to hear from you!

She's beautiful like that like a winter rose, snow on the ground ...

-Lb xx

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