8|Courage {edited}

96 16 5

I remember I had so much fun writing this chapter, enjoy :)


We all decided to go to Lisa's and have a sleepover so I called Yoongi. "Hey, I'm sleeping over at Lisa,"

"Alright but can you do me a favour?" he asked.

"Ye, sure but what is it?" He kept quiet for a while. "Yoongi?"

"Can you do a photoshoot with Director Chan he's a friend of dad's and in desperate need of models?"

"Okay," I sighed.

"Really, thanks Y/n night,"

"Night," I then hung up. I looked at my phone for a while before saying. "Girls we're doing a shoot with Director Chan."

"What why?" They questioned.

"Yoongi asked me to,"

"Oh, so we're doing it for your hubby," Jennie smirked. "Not really, I know he is famous for making models upset because of how strict he is but, he has also made models world known,"

"Though it'll be a challenge! It's an amazing opportunity."

"I'm in," Irene said.

"Me too," Sana declared. One after another everyone agreed.

"Great, so we are are all going, Yoongi's just sent me the time and place," I handed my phone to Rose.

"Okay, it's an hour away and the shoot starts at 9 am so we have to leave by 8 and be awake by 7 it's 12 now so let's sleep." She stated.

"Yes mom," I said sarcastically and closed my eyes.

7 am

"Wake up Y/n!" Rose shouted.

"Morning, to you too," I looked around and the girls were still asleep whereas Rose was showered and dressed.

"Why did you start with me!" I complained.

"Cause you're a light sleeper,"

"Really!" I whined.

"I'm gonna make breakfast, wake someone up and shower, quick,"

I woke Irene up and showered and got dressed she woke up Sana. Lisa woke up on her own and then woke up Jennie. By 7: 50 everyone was showered and dressed. We all ate breakfast, normally I just have my latte but I knew I had a long day ahead of me, so I had an espresso. We all got in the car, Rose driving with Sana next to her. Me and Irene at the back with Lisa and Jennie opposite.

"We have a long day ahead of us don't we Y/n?" Jennie asked. I nodded my head and put my headphones in and looked out the window while listening to music.

8:50 am

We were early, we met the stylist and they did our hair and makeup and gave us clothes to wear. We saw a man approaching, and he had a camera crew behind him, we all bowed and looked at him. He ignored all of us completely, wow.

What an amazing first impression!

He then pointed at Sana and Jennie and told them to pose and look at the camera. He didn't even bother to tell us which brand we were advertising. He then yelled and pointed Sana "Stand up straight," She immediately did as she was told though I'm not sure how she wasn't in the first place she has amazing posture.

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