18|Anger {edited}

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In life sometimes you are wronged but it's important to forgive even when it hurts, know that you forgive not cause of the other person but for yourself and your happiness. Hope you enjoy:)


Rose was stood by the door holding an open envelope smiling. "I, Y/n and J-hope have been invited to Jackson's wedding though we can bring as many pluses as we want."

Rose came and handed me my invitation "Thanks," is all I could manage to say I appreciate everyone's apology but I have the right to be upset.

"Y/n sorry we're late we got stuck in a bit of traffic due to the snow, we had to take a different route" She explained.

"It's okay Sana already explained," I replied.

"Oh, Y/n you're hand is all healed now, I'm glad!" Yoongi said looking at my palm.

"Stop playing with me one minute you're nice the next minute you're mad for no reason and then you pretend to care," I whispered

I removed my hand from his grasp just as I did that my mom came in. "Hi Y/n, wait oh dear what's up with the long face." She asked.

"Nothing, guess I'm tired." I replied forcing a smile.

"Don't do that!" She exclaimed.

"What?" I asked her.

"Pretend to smile it's okay not to be okay sometimes and plus faking it to me is pointless you're an open book that I made." She chuckled at the last part.

"Mom." I laughed.

"Okay, okay, can you please sign these," She handed me some papers.

I looked down at the papers and they were about the construction, I looked up at her and shook my head, "I'm not signing these."

"Why not Min Y/n?" She said.

"Sorry mom, can I have some time to think about it?" I asked and she nodded I walked out of my office.

I decided to go shopping to calm me down. I went to the carpark and got into my car and headed to the shops. I bought 5 different fabrics, a few more needles, sequins, beads and pearls before heading back to work. When I got back, I went to my studio, "Y/n, let me help you unpack," Yoongi stood up from a chair. I glared at him, then went over and sat next to Rose, totally ignoring the rest of their apologetic looks.

"The silent treatment, huh," Rose whispered.

"Girl you know how long I hold grudges," I replied.

"They're all dead aren't they?" She asked.

"You don't even understand," I then put on my headphones and played some loud music since the room was far to quiet, I struggle to do anything in silence even sleeping unless I'm really tired I require some quiet music.  I worked hard on my sketches for some time "Y/n!" Rose yelled while removing my headphones.

"Hmm," I hummed guessing she wanted to tell me something, but instead she pointed at a worker.

"CEO Mi..." She began while bowing.

"No need for that, is there anything that I can help you with?" I asked with a smile.

"No, yes, I mean your mother requests to see you," She replied stiffly.

"Oh, okay thank you,"  I got up and followed the worker up to my mum's office.

"Y/n, sit down," She pointed at the chair opposite her desk.

"Y/n about the office thing, you'll be far to busy to notice that you're sharing with someone, so honey please don't be rash, can you please sign these," She looked at me hopefully, my mum was not one to get mad but my dad was a different story.

"Okay, I'm sorry for earlier, I just had a rough day and took it out on you."

"It is okay sweetheart," she pulled me into a hug and pecked me on my forehead "Come and vent to me anytime, I'm always here to listen, you do know that right!" She gave me a kiss on the forehead.

I nodded and signed the papers and handed them to her, "Bye, mum,"

"Bye sweety," She smiled. I walked out of her office and into mine. I sat down on the sofa, the competition is in a few days, I lost my hard work and got it back, but what if they've copied some off it. But the judges should be able to tell the difference between a fake and an original right?

This is so stressful, I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it, "You good?" Lisa and the rest of them were all stood by the door, I swear they are all stalking me, why are they everywhere? I looked down at my watch it's 7, most of them will leave in an hour, yes, wait no, I live with one of them, can someone please tell me who did I offend? I have always been a good girl, why me? (Well most of the time.)

"Y/n all the designs are finished and ready for the competition," Rose informed me, throwing me out of my thoughts.

"Really that's great, thank you. You can all go now." I said.

"Y/n unnie, I'm sorry I knew you wouldn't do such a thing, I ignored you in the morning because I was scared to answer," Lisa looked me right in the eyes and the poor girl looked ready to cry.

I'm such a softie, ughh

 I pulled her into a hug, "All of you, stop worrying and get ready for the competition, we are about to start a long journey," I informed them.

She left my embrace "Why?" 

"The competition is in Paris that's why," I replied. "So all of you girls, get packed and ready we won't be coming back here for about a week, did you not read the e-mail carefully?"

"Y/n, I don't think you read carefully either, the boys are coming along too for business," Jisoo looked at me. I inwardly sighed and later went home. When I got home I wasn't hungry so I went straight up to my room and did my nightly routine and got in my soft, warm bed.

Yoongi and I are going to the city of romance? Ah, Y/n stop thinking about him!


Thanks for reading y'all hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and leave me some comments love to hear from you!

Sunlight comes creeping in, illuminates our skin ...

-Lb xx

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