14|Stressful {edited}

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7:30 am

I woke up to my phone ringing, who would ring me so early? I look down to see Jennie's name. "Hello," I began to stretch tiredly.

"Y/n, omg did you just wake up? Did you sleep in for once?" She said shocked.

"Ye, for half an hour, before you disrupted me,"

"Well good thing I did or two of our team members would be missing from work." She laughed, I began to laugh as well but I immediately came to a sudden realisation.

"What, two of our team members?" I asked.

"Ye didn't she tell you Rose is sick," Jennie said sadly.

"Sick, omg Rose she never gets sick, our whole time being together, she has only been sick once and that is when I passed my chicken pots onto her." I felt really worried, I needed to see her immediately.

"Jennie I can't come in. I have to look after her,"

"Y/n, I now get why she didn't tell you and you have a substitute to answer the calls Rose normally takes, and they'll sort out your timetable and do all the work Rose does, to have the both of you off as the same as putting the company down underground,"

"Okay, but can I at least finish early please cover for me?" I pleaded knowing Jennie was the key to me leaving early Jennie can be very stubborn.n She was silent, "Please," I continued.

"Okay, okay, I'll come to pick you up now," I heard her stand up and shuffle around through the phone.

"Jennie, you don't have to, I'll drive," Getting out of bed.

"You've been driving a lot more lately, Yoongi should still be home, shouldn't he?" She asked.

"Jennie, I can't ask him to do that, I'll drive," Feeling guilty that Yoongi had been doing so much for me lately.

"If you're sure bye," She said cheerfully.

"See you," I replied before hanging up.

I hung up and went to shower, I had a long think about whether I really should wait till after work to visit her, and a substitute cannot be trusted. I sometimes wonder what goes through my parents head are they trying to get me stressed, but no matter how hard I try my mind can't help but wonder whether I should text her not but she'll probably be too sick to text me.

I switched off the shower realising I had been in there for far too long. I rushed and got changed and ran down the stairs. 

"Oh, morning," I saw Yoongi standing there holding a latte.

"Hey, this is for you," he handed me my latte.

"Thanks," I had a small sip to see if it was any good he had even put in whipped cream just the way I like it.

"This is really good,"  I complimented.

He then smiled "You've got some on your face," I tried to whip it off earning a laugh from Yoongi.

"You're missing it completely," He then leaned towards me and whipped the cream off my face, my cheeks were painted red in embarrassment, I may be wrong but I think I saw a faint red in his cheeks.

"Do you need a lift?" he asked,

"No, I'm alright," I lied.

"Okay good I'll drive," he stated and began to drag me towards his car not listening to a word I had just said.

"I said I was fine, as in I don't need a lift," He opened his car door for me and, I reluctantly got in and he then got into the driver's seat.

I sat looking out the window something had been on my mind for a while and I hadn't asked him now was my chance, "Yoongi,"

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