15|Sick {edited}

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Hiya everyone just edited this chapter and it made me smile. Hope it makes you all smile too :)


11 pm

Rose is fast asleep, I made sure she was tucked in and I changed the towel on her forehead before calling a taxi. I saw here shivering, her blankets had fallen off her body, I pulled them back up covering her completely. She still shivered, so I boiled some hot water and put in a hot water bottle at the bottom of her bed.

"Thanks," She muttered half asleep. When I left, the taxi was already waiting for me.

11:30 pm

When I arrived home, Yoongi was sat on the sofa looking at his watch, "How did you get home?" He asked.

Wait was he waiting for me? No, I bet he was just watching something on the t.v

"I called a taxi," I replied removing my coat.

"A taxi! At this hour?" He asked. I looked at the time it's not even that late, why does it matter anyway.

"Yes, I visited my sick best friend and caught a taxi home," I snapped back getting irritated at our conversation.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when one of these drivers doesn't 't take you home, but to an unknown location and does, god knows what. " He said before crossing his arms and walking towards the kitchen.

"Don't worry, I won't," I stormed up the stairs before slamming the door. I showered and did my nighttime routine. I have a massive migraine and I am struggling to focus my vision.

1 am

My head is killing me, I went downstairs and got some pills and water. My whole body is burning up, my legs are beginning to feel weak, and my head is spinning. I can't see straight.



 I ran downstairs ready to fight a burglar, after the sudden noise it went quiet and I couldn't see anyone. "Show yourself," I switched on the light. I see Y/n lying on the floor with shattered glass all around her a small puddle of blood, I ran over to her as fast as I could.

"Y/n, Y/n," I grabbed her and placed her in my arms, I checked her pulse, her pulse was normal, she had just fainted, but where did all the blood come from? 

I examined her she had a sharp piece of glass deep in her hand, I carried her over to the sofa and got the first aid kit. I tried my best to gently remove the glass though I'm sure it must've stung. I wiped the blood off her hand and put a bit of cream on it before I bandaged her hand.

I then felt her head and she had a high temperature. Of course, she's sick! She doesn't take care of herself half the time anyways, drives me insane!

Why though?

Making sure not to wake her up, I gently picked her up and took her up to my bedroom letting her rest on my bed.


5 am

"Fuck, my head," It took a while to figure out my surroundings, I wasn't in my room but in Yoongi's with him looking down at me holding a cold towel.

"I'm sorry, I must have come into your room by mistake," I said feeling guilty seeing him on the floor next to me. I then sneezed repetitively for about 10 seconds.

"No, you passed out in the kitchen," I felt a slight sting in my hand. I stared at it and it had a bandage around it.

"What happened to my hand?" This isn't good of all things, I hurt my hand, now the things I can do are limited.

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