17|Angel {edited}

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As you grow older, you realise the world doesn't see the truth people only see what they want to see, only believe what they want to believe but it makes all the difference if you search for the truth, not a lie. Hope y'all enjoy :)


I walked back into the room once we had hung up the phone, "Y/n, who was that?" Irene asked.

"An old friend. Anyways, how many designs have we completed now?" I asked looking around.

"Six," Rose replied.

"Wow, see that's a lot of progress in such a small amount of time,"  I said keeping those positive vibes flowing.

"Y/n I'm starving. We skipped lunch, it's seven now," Lisa complained.

"Okay, let's grab the boys first." I smiled.

"Why?" Jennie asked smirking at me.

"They're helping us too," I replied.

"Okay," She admitted defeat and stood up from her chair. We walked back up to my office. They were all sat reading through things.

"What are you all doing," I asked.

"Umm, these the documents to get the expansion ready," Jungkook handed me the papers.

"Ah, so when do I get my office back?" I started looking down at the papers.

"Never," A voice behind me said, I turned around to face Jin very confused.

"Never?" I asked putting the papers on the desk.

"Hey Y/n stop glaring at me it wasn't my decision it was your mum's," Jin said backing away.

"I miss a few days of work and suddenly..." I realized I shouldn't be yelling at anyone, Yoongi didn't mean to lose my work, and he didn't say he wanted to share an office with me.

"Well done Y/n you kept your cool." Tae (fake ) complimented.

"Yoongi, please remind your friend that I am this close to murdering him and digging a hole so deep that it'll take years to find the body," I stated while glaring at Tae annoyed. "Rose, can you please hand me my laptop," I asked and she quickly handed it to me. I looked through it to see if anyone had even e-mailed me about the changes, yeah they had but I had ignored them, way to go Y/n your meant to be the CEO.

My phone began to ring, I took it out of my coat pocket and answered it. "Hey, Y/n noona."

"Hey, J don't call me that it makes me feel old" I replied, "Have you got it back yet?"

"When have I ever failed you, sweetheart?" He asked.

This time I couldn't let it slide. "There was that time when I asked you to guard my laptop and you managed to let a stranger steal it in the space of a 1 hour there have also been other times I'm just too tired to name them all."

"If you always ask me for help then learn to appreciate it, anyways, do you want me to bring it to you?" He asked.

"Nah, someone might realize I've stolen it back and break into my house, I'll come to get it from you another time, thanks by the way," I said gratefully.

"Anything to please you noona..."

"Yah you idiot if..." He then hung up on me and I sighed and put my phone in my pocket. "Let's go for dinner," I turned my attention to everyone giving confused looks except Rose, of course, I tell her everything and she does the same.

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