5|Revenge {edited}

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Hope y'all enjoy :)


I woke up with a slight headache. I saw a figure hovering above my head.

 He then spoke. "Y/n, here Rose brought it in saying you had passed out because you had forgotten to have your latte this morning and you didn't eat,"

I then took it out of his hand and started to drink it. "Y/n did you even listen to a word I said? On top of that, I know you don't sleep much."

"I don't require sleep," I said sorting my outfit out making myself look presentable.

"Maybe so, but the people around you will worry if you don't."

Yeah like, who? You, no you don't so let someone else tell me that...

I walked over to my desk to find more paperwork had emerged. Immediately, I started to read through them all. I felt a pair of eyes watching me. I looked up to see an amazed Yoongi.

"What?" I asked.

"It's just that you work so hard is money and fame worth that much to you?" He asked while rolling his eyes.

That assumption made me really mad. "Never while working have I thought of the money, I just love what I do without it there is something missing in my life!"

"Like sleep?"

He thinks he's soo smart, dumbass

"You know what, never mind you are incapable to comprehend my words anyways."

"All girls are the same," he said.

"Why would I have started working at 18 for money?" For Christ sakes, my mum owns the company, I could have stayed at home for all I cared.

"You just love to argue with people Y/n should have chosen to be a lawyer as a profession."

"Don't assume things when you don't know me and lawyers don't argue it's called clearing someone's name. "

"How can I get to know you when you're always picking a fight." He replied looking into my eyes.

J-hope walked in he then laughed and said, "Are the power couple having a fight?"

I walked out the door before I did something I'd regret. I was so close to punching his face, this self-righteous guy should keep his mouth closed who is he to make assumptions about me. I walked to our company's park, which is at the back of our building, to get some air. Only, then did I realize how lovely and bright the sun was shining. I stood still as gentle breeze and light, white clouds ran past me and the grass was swaying to the wind's tune.

"Y/n." I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist. What does he want, everyone is testing my last nerve today.

"What do you want Tae, just let go of me," I still had my back to him not bothering to turn round.

"Just, listen Yoongi told me about the photo of me and Sana."

Sana! I knew it Rose was right I want to be mad but she's an old friend. "It was staged I had sent it to a girl who had been following me so she would leave me alone her name was T..." I cut him off because I knew who would take drastic measures to make me unhappy. "Tyuzu?"

"Yeah, how did you know he asked me?"

"I just did," I replied. I'm too tired to explain myself to other people.

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