11|Sucess {edited}

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At the beginning of this chapter, I had thanked everyone for the reads I got. It was a shock that people were reading my by. To all of you reading right now thank you, enjoy :)          


The judges whispered amongst themselves for a few seconds before declaring us the champions. {No surprise there!} Irene and Sana came on stage and we all group hugged people were screaming and clapping for us.

Tyuzu then tried to turn at her heel and walk away but instead, she tripped and fell on her face, the crowd started laughing historically. Momo came on stage and extended her hand to help her up, but she slapped it out of the way and stood up and stomped off like a three-year-old having a tantrum. We had many photos taken of us, any longer and I wouldn't have been able to smile, my cheeks were starting to give in. We went backstage and J-hope and Yoongi congratulated us, actually, no J-hope congratulated us with a series of hugs while Yoongi nodded at me and walked away.

What, no congratulations whatsoever? Not like I wanted one anyways

We quickly got changed and went to the car as I was about to get in the back, someone dragged me out. "Please go sit in the front with Yoongi he's in a bad mood." J-hope pleaded. I knew that much, but why would I do that to myself, so I gave him a questing look.  He continued to stare at me hopefully, I gave in, I turned around and began walking towards the front of the car. "Thanks, Y/n," he yelled.

"Whatever just shut up,"I replied tiredly. I sat at the front next to Yoongi and he gave me a questioning look, so I looked at him and smiled. Then turned my attention towards the window. He then started to drive, so I put my headphones on and listened to my music.

20 minutes later,

I had looked at Yoongi a few times he had the same emotionless expression staring at the road. However, this time I looked into his eyes and they were slightly red and had massive bags under them. Wait it's because I disturbed him from his sleep.

"Let me drive," I said looking at him trying to hide my concern.

"No," He replied bluntly.

"Let me drive," I repeated this time slightly annoyed.

"Y/n please be quiet you're distracting me."

"Let me drive!" This time I yelled as I was starting to get angry. "I am not having someone who is struggling to stay awake drive me okay that isn't safe." He looked at me in shock and pulled over to the side of the road. He opened his door and I did the same and we got out and swapped seats. I admit I prefer to be driven around, but I don't mind driving plus we would have been in danger if I continued to allow him to drive and I felt slightly {extremely} guilty. I started the engine and we continued our journey.

25 minutes later,

I knew I had made the right decision because Yoongi was already fast asleep, he had been so tired but still insisted on driving, anyone else could have driven. We reached a traffic light and I used this opportunity to gently lean his head against the window, he had been in an awkward position before.

7 pm

We've finally arrived at the company, I glance at Yoongi debating whether to wake him up or not, but I suddenly get a feeling I'm being watched. I turn around to see Sana and J-hope smirking through the window like some stalkers. I shoo them away with my hand, then they walk away. I gently start shaking Yoongi, "Yoongi wake up we're here now." He doesn't move a muscle.

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