29|Hatred {edited}

57 13 0

Seems like Y/n always loves and gets crushed but she grew from that. Maybe it was her fate in order to find her soulmate. Hope y'all enjoy :)


8:30 am

We had all just arrived at the building. "You know, my mum complimented all of us the other day," I smiled.

"How?" Jisoo asked.

"She said all of us do a lot around the company,"

"No problem, I really missed finding all the cute new recruits." Jennie giggled.

"Look guys we have a two-timer, just joking that's me," Irene laughed, we all laughed as we entered the building.

As we entered the institution everyone seemed to be in a hurry or lost. "Divide and conquer," Sana suggested and we all agreed. We all split up to bring the company to back to order.

"Hello Mrs Min, glad to have you back," One of or directors said.

I smiled, "Hello director," He was holding a stack of paperwork. "Is that for me?"

"Yes, I mean no, I insist I do it as you just got back."

"Thanks for the offer director, just give it to me I'll sort it out."

He immediately did what he was told and handed it to me. I placed what I could in a folder and continued to walk around with the rest of it in my hand. Everyone smiled and bowed as I passed. I eventually went to my office with a stack of paperwork, that I could barely carry, some workers were consistently asking to hold it for me since I could barely see what was in front of me.

I went to my desk smiling like an idiot. Jisoo was sat on the sofa sorting out our timetables: such as meeting; upcoming competitions; future shows and so on. Rose was sorting out business deals and checking out marketing and reviews. Next, to her Jennie was looking at possible new recruits' profiles, choosing between them with the help of Sana. However, she was mainly focusing on sorting out a presentation about a healthy diet for a model for later on. Irene and Lisa must be helping out some new recruits with some lessons such as posture etc.

I started to read through my paperwork, there had been many people who wanted our company to advertise their products or so on and, of course, I had to prepare to see the board later with some issues we are having. I signed, stamped, declined and accepted documents for the company.

1 pm

I've finished all my paperwork and I've started my presentation. 

"J-hooooooooooope in the house." The guys all walked in and the ruckus J-hope had made had diverted our attention from our work. 

"Hi, can you please quieten down please." I was really struggling to write and the meeting is at 3.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Yoongi asked while walking over to me. 

He then looked over my shoulder. "I'll do the presentation." 

I looked at him quite surprised at the statement that he had just said."Are you sure?" I asked thinking who would willingly want to give themselves more work.

"Ye, hand your laptop over." I looked at him then the laptop a few times before finally handing it to him.

Lisa and Irene rushed into the room, Irene ran over to Rose and whispered to her then a frantic Rose looked at her laptop as if she was searching for something. Lisa looked around for a bit before saying "Y/n, I think we should go visit your mum."

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