Twenty Eight

190 10 7

Months Later

+Y/n's POV+

"And that is how your father and I met" I ended. Three wolf pups sat in front of me and they all had their tails wagging. "Wow! Daddy sounded like an amazing wolf!" The oldest yipped. "I wish he didn't pass away" The middle wolf said sadly. "But remember what Daddy said! Just find the brightest star and you'll see him!" The youngest said. Before Jack passed, he and I mated and I found out I was pregnant days later after he died. It was hard without Jack for the first few weeks but I was excited about having his pups. I was going to tell them all about their father and how proud he would of been to see them. I glanced at the night sky and saw the full moon out. But he already saw them. And I hope he is proud of how I've been raising them. I stood up and left my cave. The pups followed behind me. Mark and Amy sat side by side as their four pups rolled around and played.

"Mark I'm gonna go by Star Cliff if you need me" I said. "Okay be careful. Tyler and Nate recently placed the tree bases on the edges so don't try to push or touch them" Mark informed. "Got it!" "Wanna race Kody?" the oldest questioned. The middle pup, Kody, wagged his tail. "Ready...go!" The two pups raced to Star Cliff as I continued to walk with the youngest. "So have they been picking on you lately Taylor?" I asked. She shook her head. "Thankfully no." "Well that's good" I replied. " you miss Daddy?" Taylor asked. I looked down at the small pup and nodded. "Yes I do. I miss him with all my heart." We reached Star Cliff. This is the best viewing spot to see the stars. We come her all the time to see Luna and Jack. Kody and the oldest pup, Tessa, sat in front of the wooden barrier.

"I love it here" Tessa smiled. "I do too" I answered searching for the brightest star. Taylor sat in between my front paws and searched as well. "Look there he is!" Kody pointed out. He was correct. The brightest star was sparkling and dazzling in the night sky. "There's your father pups" I said as I curled my tail around them. I heard them gasp and their tails wag. "He's beautiful" Taylor breathed. I chuckled and started a calm loving howl. The pups joined in and we sang to Jack. When we finished, I could of sworn I heard Jack howl back. It was faded but I could hear him. "Can we visit here every night?" Kody questioned. "Of course we could! Now lets get back to camp. We need some sleep for tomorrow's training" I said licking his head. The pups raced back and left me alone.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm really proud of you Y/n." I turned around and saw Jack standing there in his wolf form. Although he was a bit faded, it looked like he was actually here. "H-how are you here?" I asked taking a step to him. "Luna lets all the werewolves from the stars visit their family, in real life, at the full moon. I can visit you whenever in your dreams but I wanted to see you in real life and not from a long distance" Jack explained. I felt tears starting to form. I changed to my human form and so did he. I hugged him and he hugged back. "I've missed you so much" I cried. "I've missed you too" he replied. He grabbed my face and kissed me. I kissed him back.

"You are doing an amazing job taking care of our pups. I'm watching over all of you and I can't express how proud I am of you and of them. Good name choices by the way" He said. I smiled and rested my head on his chest. "So every full moon we can actually cuddle and hang out?" I questioned. "Yep. In a dream, you don't remember things too well so that's why I don't visit much in dreams. But every full moon, you can actually see and feel me. Maybe next full moon you can introduce me to the pups" Jack said smiling. "I can't wait for them to see you" I answered wrapping my arms around his waist. He kissed my forehead and we stayed like that. We caught up on a lot of things and soon the sun was beginning to rise.

"I have to go Y/n" Jack said standing up. I sighed and hugged him. He hugged back and he started walking towards the rising sun. "I'll see you next time my love!" Jack called out. "Okay, I can't wait!" I smiled as I waved to him. He waved back and said, "I love you and tell the pups I love them too!" "I will and I love you too!" With that, he was gone. I got back in my wolf form and entered camp. After I killed Dan I became the Alpha of Dan's pack. I gave that role to Mark and now we're one huge werewolf pack. We each have our own caves and we all work with each other. I entered my quiet cave and saw the three pups cuddled up to each other. I smiled and circled them. I snuggled with them and curled my tail around them. This isn't the normal life I dreamed of but...this is one hell of a life that I love.

This is what you look like as a wolf

                                                                            Tessa your oldest pup

Kody your middle pup

And Taylor your youngest pup


Yep, this it the end of the story. Sorry about Jack dying. But hey, you get to see him in your dreams and every full moon! I hope you enjoyed the story and check out other books I have made. Thank you for the votes and all the support. Bye everyone!

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