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+Y/n's POV+

We woke up at night and it was still raining. The dirt road was all muddy and full of puddles. I jumped on Felix's back and put my hood on. Ethan led us down the muddy road. I held on tightly to his fur as the rain hammered hard on us. I watched as Ethan and Amy were running ahead. Ethan suddenly slowed down and sniffed the ground. Felix stopped beside him and sniffed too. Amy whimpered and barked. Ethan shook his head and continued on.

The forest grew thicker and greener. A low loud thunder roared above us. Then a lightning bolt flashed in the sky which caused Felix and I to jump in fear. The rain seemed to have grown harder and faster. The leaves above us were shaking and barely covering us. Thunder growled and lightning zapped. Amy barked which caused Ethan to stay still. A loud snap echoed and we watched as a tall tree started falling in our direction.

"Shit run!" I yelled. The werewolves ran in different directions. Felix ran to the left while Amy and Ethan ran to the right. The tree crashed on the ground as Felix jumped away in time. Felix barked and flicked his ears up. I heard Amy respond back and Felix raced over to them. I hopped off his back. "We need to find shelter from this storm. It isn't safe for any of us!" I stated. Amy nodded and looked at the boys.

Ethan flicked his tail to a very small cabin. We raced over there and knocked on the door. No one answered so we let ourselves in. The werewolves changed into humans and they were soaked from head to toe. "Ugh! I hate rainy weather!" Felix complained shaking the water from his hair. Amy grabbed a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around herself. I examined the cabin. It only had one room. The room contained a couch with blankets and pillows, a table with a chair, and a fireplace. "Amy can take the couch" Ethan said as he examined the fireplace.

"No I don't. We can take turns-" "Amy it's fine. The rest of us can sleep on the ground next to you" Felix said. I grabbed a blanket and threw it at Ethan who was starting the fire. The fire crackled and popped. Amy laid on the couch as Felix, Ethan, and I rested our backs against the couch. "I lost track of them when the lightning started" Amy said playing with her hair. "I still had a faint scent of Mark in the truck" Ethan replied. Felix didn't say anything. "I hope they're okay" I said with a weak smile. Amy smiled back, "We'll get them back and we'll all be home." I nodded and started at the fire. Will I ever get back to my home?

+Jack's POV+

They didn't return Mark that day or the next. I think we've been in the lab for almost three days and I'm so sick of it! The pack members are getting restless and the scientists wanted us to change into our human forms. Marzia almost did but I changed her mind. Our human form is what allows us to blend in with the actual humans. Once our human form is known, then we won't be safe anywhere! "What the hell? Hey back off!" I opened my eyes and saw Alia on the floor struggling underneath three other humans. They put a muzzle, collar, and leash on her.

I barked and growled. The old man turned and glared at me. "That one is next" he told the human who put the collar on Alia and Mark. I snarled. They took Alia away and it was quiet. Nate sulked in his cage while Tyler stared at the other cages. "Is this it?" Marzia's soft voice asked. "Are we gonna die?" I pressed my snout on the bars. "Marzia, we aren't going to die. We're going to find a way out of here and escape. We'll all run back to the forest and find Amy, Felix, Ethan, and Y/n" I answered.

A flashback suddenly came to me. You'll be safe here. Once the fight is over I'll come back to get you. Don't let anyone see or hear you okay? I left Y/n in that fox hole during the fight and I told her I would be back to get her. My gut curled and twisted. I felt sick. What if Amy, Felix, and Ethan couldn't find her? What if Y/n is still down there waiting for me to call her? What if- My thoughts were cut off when my cage door opened. Everyone jumped back but I didn't attack. I didn't want to attack. I felt too sick to do anything. All I want is to know that Y/n is okay.

I hopped on the ground and the humans stared at me then to each other. "Is this a joke?" One questioned. "Why isn't it attacking?" another asked. The humans put the stuff on me without fighting and led me out of the room. They didn't have to tug or pull on me unlike Alia and Mark. We walked down a hallway and the man opened the door with a padlock code. The door slid open and I was unleashed from my collar. I was then shoved inside the room and the door closed shut.

I studied the room. No wonder it was called the Pad room, white padded walls surrounded me. Am I in a mental hospital now? There were four speakers on each corner. Alia sat in the middle of the room and had her back to me. "You better let me out you disgusting vile monsters!" she spat to the tinted long length window. "Alia there's no point in trying to talk to them unless you want to reveal your human form" I said. She raced over to me and her tail wagged. "God Jack I hate it here! The humans make me feel weird and uncomfortable and they were SO mean!" I laughed but soon realized the scientists were watching us on the other side.

"Whatever they say, ask, or do, don't show who you really are, got it?" I reminded Alia. She nodded. "Okay werewolves. We've been treating you fair for the past few days. Now all we want is to know how your DNA work and research you guys. It is outstanding that something we thought was a myth was actually real! Now according to diaries written a long time guys can understand the human voice while in wolf form. So if you can understand me, give me a sign" the scientist explained. I glanced at Alia who just stared forward. I then stared at the window with no emotion. I stood still. My ears nor tail twitched.

"Okay, I guess we'll have to motivate them. Bring him in." "The hell does he mean by that?" Alia whispered. I shrugged and heard a door open. Right next to the window was another door. It opened and five guards, with full uniforms and weapons, raced in the room. Alia and I growled and fluffed our fur out. "Oh don't worry! These guys will make sure you respond to me" the scientist laughed. Then another guard walked in with a black wolf next to him. The black wolf was muzzled and his four paws were tied together. The guard held the gun to Mark's head and stood there. "MARK!" I yelled as I took a step forward. Two guards aimed their guns at me. I lowered my ears and snarled. "Ah, now that I have your attention you better listen and follow my command otherwise your alpha dies" the scientist said with a chuckle. I growled and lashed my tail angrily.

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