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+Jack's POV+

I leaped out of the window and transformed in to my wolf form. I felt the band aid easily fall off as Ethan said. Screw it, Mark told us not to be close or love a human. But something made me stop and have a quick glance behind. I saw the girl look out the window and search for me. Her h/c and e/c were easily seen in the moon light. She is a pretty sight but she's a human. I must obey the Alpha's rules. I spun and raced away from the cabin. As I entered camp, Mark was talking to his mate Amy. "Mark!" I called out. The black wolf turned and rushed over to me. "Why are you here? You should be-" "I know, I know but I can't! There's humans in it!" I said. All the wolves around us stopped and gasped. Some growled.

"Then lets kill them before they start using our supplies!" Nate growled. "Yeah!" Some cheered. "NO!" Mark's deep voice echoed throughout the woods. Startled, birds above flew out of the trees. Mark raced up the rock ledge and all the pack gathered below. "We must not start a war with the humans. Our kind has been slaughtered for eons. We may be the last pack of Werewolves-" "Mark, how would we start a war if we killed only two people?" Tyler questioned. "Because those two humans have family. The family will report a missing file and cops will show up to that cabin which is very close to our camp. Now if they figure out this camp and see us, they'll think the wolves killed them or, since our size is bigger than the average wolf, that we're Werewolves and kill us" Mark explained.

"Sooo what do we do then?" Marzia asked as Felix stood by her. Mark took a deep breath and glanced at Amy. She stared back at him and nodded. Mark turned back to his pack and said, "We will have extra patrols near the camp. We'll have three wolves stop by the cabin and check up on the humans. Jack, how many humans are there?" "I heard two voices. Both are females" I answered. "Okay. At midnight we'll have Nate, Alia, and Tyler go check the cabin. For now, Amy, Marzia, and Felix go hunt" Mark said turning away.

I turned to the underground cave and headed downward. "Jack!" I turned around and saw Alia racing by my side. "Hey I'm sorry about what I did-" "It's okay Alia. It was my fault" I said. Alia lowered her tail and ears. "I-I know I've been in a bad mood since Evan..." I walked up to her and rested my head on her shoulder. Alia did this back. Evan used to be Alia's mate until he got captured by humans. We all tried to fight back but the humans then pulled out their guns and fired. I was wounded and Alia saved my life. Without her I wouldn't be here.

"Alia it's okay. We've all felt the same way when we lost someone. I believe Evan is alive out there" I said. Alia pulled away and looked at the ground. "I believe he's still alive too but thinking where he is and what those humans might be doing to's just to painful for me" she answered. I nudged her head with mine. "Think positive Alia. We'll find him soon. He'll be back with you and everything will be back to normal. Now go get some rest. I'll wake you when it's midnight." Alia nodded and turned to enter the underground cave. I left the cave and decided to look around the camp. Felix and Marzia waited by the camp's entrance while Mark and Amy said there goodbyes. I noticed Amy looking a little plump than usual. I walked over as Amy left. Mark turned to me and smiled, "What's up Jack?" I glanced between Amy as she left and Mark.

"Are you gonna be a dad?" I questioned. I felt Mark radiate with pride. "Yes I am. I'm so excited!" "Congrats Mark. When you do think they're due?" I questioned. "It'll be a while before my pups arrive. Maybe a month or two" he answered. "You're a lucky man Mark. Have a beautiful mate and you're soon to have a family..." I answered. Something I won't have if I don't find a mate. "Thanks Jack. I hope you find your mate and start a family of your own" Mark said. "I hope so too" I mumbled. Mark bumped his hip to mine. "Trust me Jack, you'll find the right girl." "But how? There's only three she-wolves and they all have mates" I questioned. 

"Not Alia" Mark pointed out. "Mark I can't do that. She still loves Evan" I stated. I glanced at the underground cave and turned to Mark. "Besides I don't like her that way. Only as a friend." "Then maybe someday you'll meet a rogue female werewolf" Mark said. I shrugged my shoulders. I've excepted being single for the rest of my life. At least I can be somewhat of an uncle to Mark's pups. "I'll take watch tonight" I blurted. Mark nodded and entered his cave. I sat by the camp's entrance alone. I watched as Tyler and Ethan headed to the underground sleeping cave. Everyone, besides those who were out hunting and me, were awake. 

The cold breeze ruffled my brown and white fur. I shivered and curled my tail closer to myself. I sat around and listened. Squirrels and other small critters raced to their homes for warmth. My ears darted forward when I heard paw steps. I stood up and smelled Felix's scent. "Caught anything?" I asked as he walked through the bushes. "Marzia and Amy both caught a rabbit but nothing big" he replied. The two she-wolves then appeared with rabbits in their jaws. "Good job ladies" I said dipping my head. The she-wolves dipped their heads in return and walked by me.

After that, they dropped their kill in the center of camp and headed for the sleeping cave. Then I was alone once more. After awhile, I glanced up at the moon and it was nearly midnight. I got up and walked to the sleeping cave. All the wolves, except Mark and Amy, were all packed together in here. I woke Nate, Tyler, and Alia up. They woke up and immediately headed toward the cabin. Then I switched the watch duty over to Ethan. I curled up in the farthest part of the sleeping cave and closed my eyes.

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