Twenty Seven

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+Y/n's POV+

I was kicked off the edge and grabbed on to a branch growing on the edge of the cliff. I gasped for air as I held on to the branch. I heard Jack howl and was cut off. The branch started to creak and it started to break. Oh no. Come on y/n! Pull yourself onto the branch and quickly jump on to the cliff side. It's totally not that hard! I tried to pull myself up but failed. Damn..I shouldn't have ditched P.E. class during high school.

I tried again and was able to do it. The branch made a loud crack and I jumped for the edge. I gripped onto the ground and looked below to see the branch disappearing underneath the ocean's waves. I gulped and pulled myself up. Wolves were rolling and barking at each other. I dodged Tyler fighting the wolf that kicked me off the edge and searched for Jack. I spotted Jack being pinned down by Dan. A black wolf stood beside Dan. I pulled out my pocket knife and raced to the black wolf. I screamed and jumped on his back. I stabbed the black wolf in the back. The wolf howled and turned his head. I pulled out the knife and slashed his face. The black wolf rolled on the ground. I got off and held onto my knife. Dan got off of Jack and raced to the black wolf's side.

I studied the black wolf. I slashed his right eye. The scratch went above and below his eye. Dan turned and stared at me. He curled his lips back to reveal his sharp teeth. His brown eyes staring into my soul. I drew my lips back and growled. My grip on the knife grew tight. I can be intimidating too Dan. He barked and raced to me. I did so as well. I then slid across the grass and slashed at his ankles. He yelped and stumbled a bit. I turned and stood up.

Suddenly Jack stood over me and growled at Dan. The black wolf stood beside Dan, his cut eye was bloody and a pale blue color. Good luck seeing out of that eye! Dan snarled and charged. Jack did the same and the large wolves collided. The black wolf (Phil) went to attack Jack's neck but I stopped him when I jumped on his back and grabbed him by the ears. Phil yelped and shook his head violently. I held on tightly until Phil headbumped me. I fell off and my vision was blurry. I dropped the knife and tried to find it through the blurry vision and the growing of night.

Something grabbed me and tossed me to the ground. I gasped and felt something inside break. OH shit! That's bad! I sat on my knees and held my stomach. My breathing was rapid and harsh. I spat out some blood and could see Jack fighting Dan and Phil. "J...Jack..." My voice was cracking. My vision was getting worse. I saw Ethan run up to me and try to put me on his back before he was tackled. I rolled and tumbled near to the edge of the cliff. I stayed on the ground and watched as everything started to grow dark. I had to lay their for a bit until my eyes got adjusted. Jack and Tyler were fighting side by side. Dan knocked Tyler out and pinned down Jack. He bit on Jack's neck.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My boyfriend was dying and I couldn't do anything about it. I grunted and tried to get on my knees but I yelled in pain. I laid on the ground crying as Jack was fighting for his life. I rolled to the other side and saw the moon rising in the sky. "L-Luna! Please listen! I know I'm human and I know I'm not one of your kind but please give me the strength to save my love! He means too much to his pack and to me. Please hear me and help me out!" I prayed a loud. Suddenly the wind picked up speed. I watched as the moon glowed brighter and a white wolf walked out of it. The wolf from my dreams....

The wolf walked in the air. Her silky fur flowed as her body radiated. I think I died and I'm going to heaven. The wolf reached me and pressed her nose on my forehead. "Your time is now. Start where you stand and never back down" she said. My breathing returned to normal. I could feel my muscles growing strongers and my body was healing. The white wolf stood at the edge and watched me. My eye sight improved-actually all my senses improved. I blinked my eyes and saw that the white wolf was gone. I looked at the ground and saw gray paws below me. No way! I turned around and saw that I was a wolf! Oh my god!

I remembered about Jack and spotted Dan. I quickly raced and tackled him. I barked and used my claws to tear into his fur. I snarled and grabbed the scruff of his neck and threw him against Phil. I stood over Jack and snarled. Dan's eyes widened and he looked me up and down. " the bloody hell did you become a wolf?" "I told you I belonged to the pack" I said as I charged him. I shoved Dan off the cliff and watched as he disappeared in the ocean. The wolves stopped fighting and stared at me. Dan's pack backed off and stared at me. Mark and his pack raced over to Jack. "Stay there" I ordered Dan's pack.

I raced over to Jack who had lots of blood pouring out of his neck. "M-mark?" Jack whispered. "I-I'm here buddy. Do-don't worry, we'll get you some medicine an-and-" Jack shook his head. "I-its too late for me Mark. I can't go on." I raced to Jack's side. "Jack! Jack I'm here!" Jack's blue eyes were no longer bright. They were scared and nearly dull. He smiled and took a rusty breath. "Wow...look at you in your wolf form. You are so beautiful." I smiled and licked his ear. "Thanks. Jack, there is no such thing as too late. We can apply pressure while we get bandages for you-" Jack shook his head once more. "There is no way I'm surviving this one Y/n. I'm sorry. I don't want to go but Luna is waiting for me." I looked at the edge of the cliff and saw Luna standing there. Both packs seemed to have seen her because their eyes widened.

I lowered my ears and felt tears roll down my face. "I-I can't lose you Jack! Please! I'll take care of you like before. After you heal, you can teach me how to hunt and...and we can.." I broke down in sobs. I cried in Ethan's shoulder. "Y/n look at me" Jack ordered. I sniffed and faced him as a tear rolled down my eye. Jack smiled, "The pack will have to show you. I told you that I would die for you and I live by my word. Please don't mourn for me. Everything will be alright, I promise. If you ever need me, just look for the brightest star and pray. I'll find a way to answer." I was about to reply when he closed his eyes and breathed his final breath. I stood still. I nudged his snout with my own and he didn't move.

"! Jack!" I bawled my eyes out. Why? Why me?! I rose my head from Jack's still chest and saw Luna still standing by the edge. Suddenly she swished her tail and I saw another wolf trail behind her. The wolf was a faded brown and white color. His bright blue eyes glanced back at me. He smiled and wagged his tail. I forced myself to smile as tears continued to roll. "I love you y/n" Jack said. "I love you too" I replied. I watched at Luna and Jack reached to the moon and disappeared. The dark clouds moved aside and I saw the brightest star in the night sky. I stood on the edge and howled. Dan's pack and Mark's pack joined in on the howl. This song was for Jack. Emotions of sadness and love filled it. I howled again and opened my eyes. The star twinkled and I smiled.

 The star twinkled and I smiled

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