Twenty Two

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+Jack's POV+

We've been in this truck for five hours straight. I stared at the forest trees racing by us. Mark kept his eyes on the road. His grip around the wheel was really tight. "Mark you okay?" I asked. "I...I'm worried about Amy. What if she's giving birth right now and I'm not there to relax her or help her out?" Mark said running his hand through his hair. "Calm down Mark. There's nothing to worry about! Felix and Ethan have been through experiences to help Amy keep calm and help deliver the pups" I said patting my hand on his shoulder. "Besides y/n is there, as a girl, to help Amy out." I heard Mark growl. "I still don't trust her." "Really Mark?" I said surprised.

"She's just another human Jack!" Mark spat. "No she isn't!" I said. "Jack...I know you like her. I've seen the way you two looked at each other but you know the rules" Mark said glaring at me. "Oh my god! Mark rules were made so they could be broken! What's so wrong with liking a human?!" "Everything! She could be lying and contacting more hunters and scientists to capture us." "Mark you're taking things way too far" I said crossing my arms. "This is all your fault Jack. We wouldn't have been in this situation if you hadn't talked to that girl" Mark stated. I didn't respond.

I just glared out of the window and frowned. Such a jerk! "What the...?" I glanced over and to the left side of the road was a campsite area. I could see two wolves, one standing up and one laying on the ground. But then I saw a human with them. My heart started pounding. Is that...y/n?! "That's Ethan and Amy! We found them!" Mark cheered. He pulled to the side of the campsite and opened the door. I watched as Ethan turned into his human form and raced to Mark. I raced out of the truck to open the back.

Tyler jumped out first and then Marzia. Evan and Alia got out and finally Nate. "Ah feels nice to breathe fresh air!" He smiled. "Marzia!" I heard Felix yell. I watched as Felix stood with open arms as Marzia raced into them. He spun her around and kissed her. "I'm so glad you're alive!" He smiled. I turned and saw Mark slowly walking over to the wolf on the ground. The pack quieted down and I raced next to him. It was Amy and four pups. Y/n sat beside Amy stroking her fur.

I glanced at Mark. His brown eyes were no longer hard and aggressive, they were loving and emotional. Tears formed in his eyes as he bent down and touched one of his pups. The black pup squeaked and sniffed him. Then the pup cuddled up to him and Mark sat there crying. Amy smiled and said, "I was so scared Mark. You weren't here and it's not your fault. I was so scared of being alone through this but y/n...y/n helped me. She cleaned all our pups and helped them to the milk and...and she saved the littlest one's life."

Mark looked from his pup to y/n. "Y-you did all of that? Why?" He asked. Y/n looked at me to Mark. "I couldn't stand by and watch her give birth without helper her. She needed me" she answered. "They're beautiful pups Amy" Alia complimented. "Thank you" Amy smiled as she rested her head on the ground. Mark put the black pup back with the rest of the pups and walked over to y/n. She stood up and looked Mark in the eye. "Thank you y/n for helping my mate and pups out" he said. "No problem Mark" she said smiling. "We'll camp here for tonight and figure out the game plan tomorrow" Mark said facing the pack.

"Nate, Ethan, and Evan go out and find some firewood. Alia, Felix, and Marzia go hunt for some dinner. Tyler and I will go patrol and make sure Dan's pack didn't follow" Mark announced. The pack nodded and raced off. "Jack, you and Y/n are to stay here and watch Amy and my pups. I'll be back before the sun sets." I nodded and Mark and Tyler raced off. Suddenly y/n jumped on me and I wrapped my arms around her. "I can't believe this! I was so ready to break you guys out and here you all are! Also who's that guy Evan?" Y/n asked. "Evan was captured way before us and we managed to find him and bring him back home. He is Alia's mate and apart of our pack" I explained. Y/n looked up at me with her pretty e/c eyes.

I smiled and we pressed our foreheads together. "When you told me to stay in the fox hole, I was so scared. I thought you got killed or forgot about me" she whispered. "I would never forget you" I said placing my hands on the sides of her face. "I'm glad you're back though. I thought I wasn't going to see you again" she said laughing a bit. I smiled, "Please it'll take something harder to make me from not seeing you." Y/n suddenly leaned forward and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed her back. We pulled away and smiled. "That's cute" Amy laughed. I blushed with embarrassment while y/n nervously laughed with her. I hope she can stay with us. I really want her to but she has her own life outside of the forest. Will she still want to leave after everything we've been through?
Y/n grabbed my hand and smiled. I smiled back and sat on the picnic bench. We stayed like that and watched as the sun slowly started to set.

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