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+Y/n's POV+

"What's wrong Jack? Your face is pale" I said walking over to him. He shook his head and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "N-nothing..I've just seen a pack of wolves near the road and thinking that you would walk by yourself down that road..." He trailed off. "Aww you're worried about me?" I smiled. Jack's face slightly turned red and he looked away. "Yeah..I guess.." I rested my hand on his shoulder and an idea came to my mind. "Then come with me! We'll go back to the city together! Maybe you can find your family members" I suggested. Jack opened but closed his mouth. "I...but this is my home. I love the forest and the fresh air" he replied.

Hmm...never met a guy who loves nature like I do. "I understand. You've been here for awhile and you've grown used to it. Well I'll just have to be aware of those packs of wolves" I said with a shrug. Jack rubbed his forearm then walked to the open window. His glanced outside and shut the window. "What's that for?" I questioned as I placed a hand on my hip. "It started to get cold in here" he lied. I rose an eyebrow and crossed my arms. "If we're gonna be friends, you gotta stop lying to me."

Jack faced me. "I'm not lying. I was getting cold." He then turned and started to leave the room. "Bull. There's no breeze outside" I said grabbed Jack's wrist before he could leave the room. I forced him to face me and he growled. Who the hell growls at another person? I stared Jack down as he stared back. My grip on his wrist tightened. "Why were you lying?" I asked calmly. His blazing blue eyes softened. "I....I can't tell you. All I can say is that someone could of overheard us. I can't explain it any further" he answered.

"We're the only humans out here! Would the pack of wolves hear us? They're just wolves!" I said releasing Jack's wrist. "The animals can understand you ya know?" He said looking at the ground. "They don't. They're just wild animals" I said folding my arms. Jack looked into my eyes and a wave of sadness hit me. His blue eyes showed pain and hurt. I suddenly felt guilty. "Jack..I'm sorry if I offended you" I said reaching out for him. He stood still. "I-it's fine. You don't understand what I'm saying anyways so don't worry. Humans make mistakes." Why'd you say it like you didn't consider yourself human?

"It's true we do make mistakes but your mistakes are what make you human" I said. Jack rolled his eyes and smiled. "Did you really get that quote from the movie Home?" I smiled and shrugged my shoulders. "..Maaaybe." Jack chuckled and looked at the ground. "Sorry for lying...it's a bad habit of mine..." I lightly punched his shoulder. "Don't worry about it!" A howl was heard in the distance. I raced to a nearby window and opened it. The howl continued. "I've always wondered why wolves howl. Maybe they're calling for their mate or a pack member.." I suggested. Jack walked up behind me and rested his hand on the window.

I looked up at him and saw him focussed on the howl. It's like he's trying to understand it... Jack blinked then looked down at me. I didn't realize how close we were. I felt myself blush as he kept his face calm and expressionless. He's really....cute... My face turned a brighter red when I thought this. I quickly escaped from underneath him and grabbed my journal. Quickly changing the subject I asked, "Did you find this?" Jack nodded and rested against the wall.

"How?" I asked. "Found it on the ground and remembered that it was yours" he replied. I examined the teeth marks. "Huh...I guess a wild animal dropped it then" I said placing the journal on the nightstand. "What do you mean?" He asked as he grabbed the journal. "There's some teeth marks on here. The bite only damaged the front cover, thankfully not the rest" I explained. He flipped through the pages and read through them. This is the first time anyone, besides my used-to-be best friend and boss, has seen my journal. I don't know why I trust Jack..but I do.

"It's amazing at what you could do" he smiled. I leaned over and peeked at the page he was on. I read it and turned to him. He was watching me. His blue eyes never lost contact with my e/c eyes. A flashback of the brown and white wolf appeared then disappeared. I blinked and Jack was still standing there in front of me. My stomach started to twist and butterflies grew. I saw his eyes flick to my lips then back to my eyes. We just met and somehow I have these feelings for him? How is this possible?!

I didn't want to kiss him because I barely knew him but something deep down told me to just do it. I slowly leaned in and he leaned in too. He placed the journal on the nightstand and held my hands. Jack pressed his forehead against mine and we stayed like this. I had the urge to kiss him but he kept his lips away from mine.

+Jack's POV+

I can't...but I want to! But I can't! If I kiss her, my whole pack life is on the line...but I like her... It was like a war going in my head. We kept our heads pressed as the war raged on. I held on to her hands and opened my eyes. Y/n was standing there...waiting for something to happen. Her eyes were closed and she stood still. I quickly released her hands and raced out of the room. I tranformed into a wolf and leaped out of the front door. My paws took me into the forest. I heard Y/n call for me but I couldn't turn back.

I should of kissed her. But then it would of been hard for me when she hikes out. No..I'm loyal to my pack. She's just another human.... My thoughts were ruined when the female voice from before whispered in my ear. But she is the one for you Sean... I stopped in my tracks. I haven't heard that name in a long time. I faced the cabin and heard a slight whimper from me. No, I did the right thing. But now my consequence is being alone...forever.
I raced back to my pack and heard a voice say, "You should of kissed her."

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