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+Jack's POV+

I raced to the forest and saw the two wolves standing there. "What the hell were you doing with that human?" Alia snapped. "Look her friend tried to kill her so I saved her. But I killed the friend and hid the body and car" I explained. Ethan lowered his ears. "Why'd you do that?" "Because y/n thinks that-" "Y/n? Y/n?! You know her name?" Alia said. "Yeah why?" I questioned. Alia took a step backwards and started pacing. "You're building a bond between her and yourself! You know the rules Jack!" "I know, I know! The rules say not to fall in love but why can't a be friends with one?" I said. Ethan shook his head. "You can't be friends with a girl and not like her." "We're friends with Alia, Amy, and Marzia" I pointed out. "They have mates so we have to be their friends" Ethan replied.

"Jack if anyone else from the pack sees you hanging out or helping y/n, you may get in BIG trouble" Alia said. "I won't hang out with her anymore" I lied as I crossed my arms. Alia and Ethan glanced at each other then to me. "I promise" I lied. "Okay...get in wolf form and lets go hunting" Ethan said as he wagged his tail. I tranformed into a wolf and led my friends to an open area. We layed in the tall grass and immediately saw a huge elk walk out of the forest. I licked my jaws. "That's a big buck" Alia whispered. "Do you think we'll be able to bring that creature down?" Ethan questioned.

"We just have to attack its neck and not get stabbed by its antlers" I whispered as I started to crawl forward. "Alright, I'll attack on its left side. You guys can attack from behind" Alia said as she started to crawl away. Ethan pressed his paw on her tail and she held back a yelp in pain. "What the hell Ethan?" "Look, another pack of wolves in the forest" Ethan said using his snout to point the wolves. I turned to the right of the elk and saw four wolves slowly making their way to the elk. I rose my snout and sniffed the air. "It's Dan's pack" I reported as I lowered my head. "Really? They're far out from their territory" Ethan said.

"Lets get that elk before they do" Alia growled as she leaped on to the elk. I reacted and jumpes on the elk's back. Alia was already nipping on the elk's neck while I clawed its thighs. The elk reared on its back legs which threw me off the ground. Alia held on tighter as the elk raced off. Dan's pack members raced after the elk. I heard Ethan growl and we both chased after the elk. We caught up to the other pack members and the elk. I slammed into a gray and black wolf causing him to fall over while Ethan head butted a light brown she-wolf.

Alia still held on to the elk's neck. A black wolf and a brown wolf were racing on each side of the elk biting at its legs. "Ethan, I'll get the brown one. You get the black one" I ordered. Ethan nodded and we separated. I could see blood dripping down the elk's neck. I got closer to the brown wolf and bit down hard on its tail. It howled in pain and I threw the wolf against a tree trunk. I then slammed into the elk which made it tip over and fall. I helped Alia and the elk was dead. Ethan raced up to us and smiled. "Nice work" he said. "Nice work indeed but we'll be taking that" a voice said.

We turned around and saw the four wolves from before walk over to us. "We saw it first and killed it fair and square!" Alia growled. "I think we saw it first missy" the brown wolf snapped. Alia lowered her ears and snarled. I studied the group of wolves. The brown one was the tallest but didn't look the strongest. The black wolf could take on a fight but would lose without backup. The female looks strong and the gray and black one looks like a racoon.

"Listen pipsqueaks, I don't want to come over there and easily kill ya over some food. So if you could get the fuck off of that elk and leave us alone, that would be gladly appreciated" the racoon fur colored wolf said. "Big talk for someone like you" Ethan replied. Before the racoon wolf could attack, the light brown she-wolf stood in his way. "Wait for Phil's orders" she said. The black wolf stepped forward. "What pack do you belong to?" "Why do you want to know?" Alia snapped. I flicked my tail to silence her and faced Phil. "We are apart of Alpha Mark's pack. What about you?" I questioned, even though I already knew the answer. "Alpha Dan's pack. Haven't seen Mark in a long time" Phil answered with a chuckle.

"And you won't ever will. Now I'm gonna kindly ask you to leave our territory before we force you out" I stated. Phil laughed, "Four against three? This is a death sentence for you boy. Just go back to your camp and we'll take the elk from here." Ethan's dark brown ears twitched and Alia's tail swished. They're ready to fight but I don't want to risk there lives. I took a deep breath and howled. "He's calling for help! Shut him up Signe!" Phil ordered. My howling was cut when the light brown she-wolf tackled me.

I growled as she pinned me down. "Such a pretty voice for a small wolf" she snickered. "I could say the same thing about you" I started. I suddenly flipped her on her back and smirked. "But then I'd be lying." She lowered her ears and tried to bite at my snout. I jumped away and charged her. She dodged and Phil jumped on my back. His sharp claws dug into my back. I yelped and smashed my back into a tree trunk. Phil fell off but Signe came and headbutted me. I rolled across the grass and quickly stood up. I watched as Ethan took on the tall brown wolf while Alia fought the racoon fur wolf.

Signe caught me off guard and clawed my shoulder. I hissed in pain and watched as Phil and her circled me. My eye sight was blurry from the headbutt and my shoulder was starting to bleed. I could only keep track of one of the wolves which was bad. I turned and grabbed onto Signe's neck and tossed her into Phil. They stumbled to their feet but quickly recovered. What do I do? I can't quit now but if I do..then I'll be showing Dan's pack that our clan is weak... A blow to the head made me fall to the ground. A huge headache came and my head was thumping bad. I tried to get up but my brain wouldn't let me. I watched as Phil and Signe made their way over.

Phil lifted my chin and pressed his claw lightly on my neck. "Oh you poor wolf. I should let you suffer while I take your food....but killing you would be the better option" he said smiling. I wanted to fight back. I didn't want to die but my body wouldn't let me. When all hope seemed lost I saw it. A wolf with the darkest black fur and the strongest brown eyes. He charged and tackled Phil while a golden wolf pinned Signe. "Mark! Felix! You heard me!" I said weakly.

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