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+Jack's POV+

I rose my head and my nose twitched. I could see other pack members sleeping in the cave. I looked down and saw y/n sleeping on my stomach. My fur nearly hid her. I curled my tail and smiled. I glanced at my shoulder and side wounds and saw that they were healing. Y/n mumbled something then flipped to her other side. I lowered my head to my paws and stared at her. I didn't want to move because I didn't want to ruin her sleep.

"Jack" I heard Mark whisper. I rose my head and flicked my ears forward. The black wolf beckoned me over. I folded my ears and slowly drew away. I'll be back. I dodged tails and paws and made it to Mark who was waiting outside for me. "Yes Mark?" "We're going on a morning hunt" Mark said. I nodded and followed him. We trotted through the forest and listened for any big game animals. A call of an elk was heard but it was too far to track. Mark stopped and rose his tail to my chest. I stopped and spotted a doe walking by herself. Mark looked at me and nodded. We got low and headed towards the doe.

I crept closer to the doe's right side while Mark crept on the other side. I watched as Mark leaped on the doe. It cried and tried to shake him off. I leaped on its back and dug my claws in her. The doe yelped and suddenly a huge buck raced out of the bushes and charged into me. I tumbled in the grass and winced at the pain. Mark growled and blocked the buck from the doe. The doe was lying on the ground. Her back legs were coated with blood. She was able to move her front legs but her back legs were useless. I slowly stood up and glanced at my shoulder. It wasn't bleeding. Thank god.

I shook my head and tackled the buck. The buck rolled away and tried to stab me with his antlers. I dodged him and Mark rammed into his side. The doe was calling out for help. I tried to race over to cut the doe silent but another buck came running and shoving me away. I snarled and circled the other buck. The buck stomped his hoof to the ground and aimed his antlers at me. I was about to charge when Mark told me to fall back. "M-Mark really?" I questioned. Mark glared at me. "Fall back!" He repeated. I groaned and raced into the woods. Mark was trailing behind me.

We reached an open field and caught our breaths. "What the hell Mark? We could of gotten them! Three whole deers for our pack!" I snapped. "Jack you are already injured. I couldn't risk it!" Mark growled. "You shouldn't worry about me. The pack is more important" I replied. "You are apart of the pack Jack. I know it was cowardly to run away but we had no choice. If we had another wolf with us then it may have been different" Mark said not looking at me. I lowered my head and huffed angrily. "Lets go find another prey" Mark said trotting away. I followed behind him.

We only caught a rabbit and a vole. I dropped the rabbit in the kill pile while Mark gave Amy the vole. Nate and Felix glared at the kill pile. "Really guys?" I shot them a glare and lashed my tail. "Why don't you go out and hunt then?" "Fine. Felix go get Tyler, we'll go take a deer or two down" Nate said. I rolled my eyes and walked to the underground cave. I transformed into my human form and saw y/n was gone. I first panicked. Alia was sitting on the side braiding Marzia's hair. She glanced at me and must of saw me panicking. "Don't worry Jack, y/n went to clean up. Get new clothes and what not back at the cabin" Alia explained.

I sighed in relief and sat across from Marzia. "You really care about y/n" she smiled. I nodded and rubbed the back of my neck. "She's...she's special to me." "You know the rules though" Alia snapped. "Ouch Alia!" Marzia yelped when she accidentally tugged on her hair. "Oops sorry Marzia!" "Alia is right though Jack. Mark won't allow you two to be together" Marzia said. "But what about Luna and her mate? He was a human!" I pointed out. "Times have changed. Humans are more bloodthirsty and full of greed" Alia said. "But y/n isn't like that!" I defended.

"She seems like a cool girl..." Marzia mumbled. Alia didn't respond. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. It's not fair! No matter how many times I complained or pleaded, the rule was going to stay the same. Don't fall in love with a human. I already broke it. But staying with my pack, the words taunt me. The day seemed to have gone by quicker and it was dark out. The full moon was out and I dropped a young buck in the fresh kill pile. Y/n was telling stories to Ethan, Marzia, and Amy.

I tranformed into human and walked over. "Hey guys, dinner is ready." Ethan and Marzia raced each other while Amy had trouble getting up. I helped the soon-to-be mother up and padded her shoulder. She smiled and transformed to a wolf. "What story were you telling them this time?" I wondered looking down at y/n. She stood up and adjusted her black hoodie. "Jack and the Beanstalk." "Ah you told me that one before" I smiled. "Yeah, I'm surprised none of you guys heard any fairytale stories" Y/n replied. "Y/n...remember we weren't raised in the city" I noted.

Y/n slapped her hand on her forehead and chuckled. "Oh duh! I'm just so used to thinking you guys are human!" I started laughing. Y/n joined along. We eventually quieted down and suddenly my gut twisted. I stopped smiling and looked around the forest. "Jack? Jack are you alright?" Y/n asked touching my shoulder. "I...I sense something coming" I said. I quickly transformed into my wolf form and motioned Y/n to get on my back. She did so and then other wolves emerged from the shadows. "Invaders!" I howled.

I watched as Marzia quickly ushered Amy to the underground cave while the other pack members transformed into wolves and stood their ground. Mark walked forward and I stood beside Tyler and Ethan. I felt y/n holding on to my fur tightly. The other pack of wolves was apart of another werewolf pack. More was Dan's pack.

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