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+Jack's POV+

I could hear Mark whimpering through his muzzle. Alia growled and licked her sharp teeth. "I'll repeat my command once more. If you can understand me, give me a sign" the scientist repeated. I sighed and nodded my head. "Wonderful! Can you guys transform into humans so this doesn't make me sound like I'm talking to myself" the scientist asked. "Ugh I don't want to do that" Alia groaned. "Mark's life is on the line!" I said. Alia looked at Mark and lowered her ears. "This is bullshit." I didn't like transforming in my human form in front of complete strangers, especially with no shirt and pants.

I transformed and crossed my arms. Some of the guards jumped away. "And the other wolf?" I stared at Alia. She growled and transformed. I saw the guards eyes widen when they saw her. Alia scooted behind me in embarrassment. "Oh so you're a female" the scientist noted. Alia didn't respond. "What do you want?" I asked blocked the guards from seeing Alia. "We just want to study you guys. Take notes, experiment somethings and see if we can add some of your DNA to the human world so we can become powerful like you are" the scientist replied. "Why don't you just leave us alone?" Alia snapped. "Because then we wouldn't make money off of this" he replied.

"Told you Jack. Humans are full of greed" Alia mumbled. I heard the scientist writing in his notebook. "Now since you are able to change your form anytime, does the moon mean anything to you werewolves?" "No, it's just a moon" I lied. The scientist was quiet then he scribbled in his notebook. "Can I turn back to a wolf now?" Alia asked. "No." She crossed her arms and looked down. I balled my fist and glared at the guards. I could have a little bit of time to attack a guard and free Mark but we could be shot and killed.

"Did we catch all your pack mates?" The scientist asked. I hesitated but Alia quickly answered, "Yes." "Hmm so only one female in the whole pack?" The scientist questioned. "There's another, she's in the cage" Alia answered. "Hmm...I'd expect the Alpha to have a mate by now. You don't look pregnant...I'll have to check on the other female werewolf" the scientist mumbled. Mark growled and I watched as he wiggled around. The six guards focused their attention on Mark. Alia suddenly transformed into a wolf and attacked. I did the same and attacked the nearest guard.

I bit hard on the officer and clawed at the next one. "Guards! Guards get to the pad room quickly!" The scientist announced over the speaker. I sliced Mark's restraints and he stood up. "Jack get that scientist to shut up! I'll help Alia with the guards" Mark said. I nodded and raced towards the window. This is gonna hurt. I crashed through the window and shook my head. I spotted the scientist racing away. I snarled and raced after him. My claws scratched the tile floor and I pinned the scientist down. "N-no please! Do-don't kill me!" I growled and threw him against the wall.

The scientist was lying against the wall not moving. My ears flicked to a small beep noise. I sniffed the dark room and saw three blue cryotanks against the wall. I sniffed them and saw movement inside. I jumped back and a familiar scent filled my nose. No way. Mark and Alia raced in and walked to me. "Jack lets go! We have to get the others!" Mark said. I didn't move. All I did was just stare at the creature inside the cryotank. Alia looked at the cryotank and her ears folded down. Tears rolled down her face. "Oh my god! Oh my god! He's alive! Evan!" She cried.

Mark turned to human form and looked at the control pannel. He pressed a green button, flicked a switch, and the cryotank opened. The liquid splashed out and so did Evan. He was in his wolf form and layed on the ground. Alia sniffed and licked her mate. "Evan? Evan wake up! We're going home" she said. Mark transformed and shook his black fur. "I'll carry him. You two go ahead and get the others free" he ordered. Alia looked at Evan and nodded. "Follow me" I said. We raced through the halls, charging through each guard. We reached them and saw multiple people dragging the wolves to a truck. Tyler and Nate were fighting back while Marzia followed.

Alia tackled Marzia's guard while I fought Tyler's guard. Tyler broke free and took out Nate's guard. "We can use the truck as our escape" Tyler said. "I'll take out the driver" Nate said racing to the front of the truck. "Everyone else get in the back. I'm gonna help Mark" I said racing away. I took out three more guards and found Mark clawing a scientist. He picked up Evan and saw me.

"Mark we're taking a truck and getting out of here" I informed him. "Awesome. I'll take driver's seat and you take passenger's" he said. I walked ahead of him and looked down a hallway. Guards were walking in our direction. "Get back" I whispered. We scooted back and watched as the guards walked away. I led Mark to the truck where the pack was sitting in the back. Nate helped Marzia up and spotted us. "Great timing! They haven't sounded an alarm yet so we may have a little more time before they lock the gates" Nate said. Mark nodded and hoisted Evan to the back of the truck. "Who's that?!" Tyler questioned jumping away. Alia raced over and licked Evan. "Evan! It's Evan" she smiled.

Guns stared firing at us. "I'm driving. Jack help Tyler shut the back and quickly get in the passenger seat" Mark ordered. I nodded and he raced off. Tyler and I slid the door shut. Tyler got in before it completely closed. A bullet crashed next to my ear. I transformed into my human form and got in the passenger seat. "Go! Go! Go!" I said. Mark was in his human form and pressed the gas. The truck took off. The wired fence was closing. I put my seatbelt on and braced for impact. Mark kept his grip on the steering wheel and crashed into the gate. The gate snapped off and the truck continued going. "Yes!" I cheered. "Damn right!" Mark smiled. Finally, we were out of there. We're finally going back home.

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