Twenty Five

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+Y/n's POV+

It's been four days since we left the forest. Every time we stopped, Jack and I would always explore the area around us. It was kinda like a date. At least I think it's some sort of date. The pups have grown a little bit. Kahne and Scout opened their eyes but Max and Jade's are still closed. The pack stopped by a stream to take a small rest. Kahne barked and wagged his tail when he saw me. I rubbed his head and Scout nipped at his brother's ears. The pups barked at each other and playfully fought. I giggled and Jack dropped a rabbit beside me. I looked up at the wolf and rubbed his head. Jack licked me and raced back to Mark. Max's head rose up and his nose twitched.

He crawled to the rabbit but I picked it up before he could eat it. I got used to having rabbit or any other animal, as long as it was cooked. I skinned the rabbit with a pocket knife and set a fire. I cooked the rabbit. Kahne and Scout stopped fighting and watched the fire. Jade sniffed and tried to crawl closer but I stopped her before she could of burned herself. Amy sat beside me, in her human form, and her wolf pups raced to her lap. "When will they be able to transform like you guys?" I asked. "When they're about a month old. Mark and I will train them" she answered rubbing Jade's head.

I ate my lunch and the hunting pack came back. Amy turned to her wolf form and the pups had their lunch. I walked by the lake and cupped my hands. I took a drink and stared at my reflection. There was a dirt stain on my right cheek and my hair was in a ponytail. I'll have to get a bath or some sort of shower. I dipped my finger in the water and it rippled outwards. The reflection showed a brown and white wolf standing over me. I looked up and saw Jack smiling down at me. I rubbed underneath his chin and he closed his eyes. "Aww did I find your sweet spot?" Jack moved so his head was resting on my lap. I kissed the top of his head and continued to stroke his head and neck.

The pack members were enjoying their lunch while Jack and I were enjoying each other's presence. Jack changed to his human form and rolled so he was resting on my lap but facing up. I slowly ran my fingers through his brown hair and he smiled. "It's so lovely outside" Jack mumbled. "It is. Do you know if we're close to the Coastal Forest?" I asked. Nate barked and continued eating. "Nate said we're still far away. Until we scent the ocean, that's when we'll know we're close" Jack said holding my hand.

"So we're going to be living near the ocean?" Jack nodded, "I've heard about the Coastal Forest. It's basically like a normal forest but its by the ocean." I rolled my eyes. "No duh." "No, no. The forest is above ocean level. So if you reach the edge of the forest, you'll see the ocean below you. It's kinda scary at first but Mark has a plan that we can place thick tree bases at the edges so no wolves or pups fall over" Jack explained sitting up. "I'm glad I was able to stay with you guys" I said smiling. Jack kissed my cheek and smiled back. "I'm glad too."

Mark barked and Jack glanced over my shoulder. He got up and helped me up. "Time to go." He transformed and I helped the wolves get ready. Amy picked up Kahne, Mark held Scout, Ethan held Max, and Felix carried Jade. We traveled through the forest and it started to grow thinner. Instead of trees growing very close, they're now wider apart. More grassy fields are seen. Mark slowed down when we reached a road. It was a main road. Mark looked both ways before racing across. The pack did the same and we continued running.

Night came once more and the pack was cuddled up together for warmth. I sat in front of the fire and stared at the flames. We'll be at our new home soon. All this traveling will be over and we won't have to worry about Dan or any of his pack members ever again. Jack sat next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. "Sick of the traveling?" "Yep" I answered. "Me too." "How close do you think we are?" I asked. "Hmm...I think we'll be there in two days" Jack guessed. "I hope so" I said yawning.

Jack transformed in his wolf form and laid on his side. I rested my head on his furry chest and he curled his tail around me. I smiled and through my sleepy eyes, I watched the fire until I fell asleep.

+???'s POV+

Her scent stung in my nose. My claws gripped the dirt ground. If only she wasn't around Jack...I could of slit her throat easily. A gray and black wolf stood beside me. He twitched his left ear and glanced at me. "Should we wait?" He whispered. I nodded my head. Another wolf walked up to me. "Thank god they're so stupid to not check their surroundings" she smirked. I smiled and licked my teeth.

"Don't worry, Jack and the human normally leave the pack after they stop. We'll attack her then" I said. My mate licked my cheek and pressed his head underneath my chin. "Don't worry, we'll get her and everything will be safe once again" my mate said.

My pack walked away from Mark's pack and we slept. My eyes opened and I stood up. My pack quickly jumped to their feet and we quickly raced to see Mark's pack gone. I growled and sniffed the ground. "They took off early" the tall brown wolf informed. "We'll track them" I said racing after the pack. I'll get you human, if it's the last thing I do!

Happy Easter everyone! 🐇

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