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+Y/n's POV+

I gasped for air and placed my hand on my throat. The man's grip was gone. I looked around and noticed that another wolf was fighting with the werewolves. I just sat there as I regained air and was able to stand up. The wolf grabbed the light brown werewolf and threw it against the gray and black werewolf. The wolf fighting the werewolves was the brown and white wolf from before! He growled and rammed into the dark brown werewolf. The wolf then turned to me and placed me on his back. I held onto his fur as he raced farther away from the werewolves.

My whole body was shaking. I patted the wolf's side and said, "Thank you." The wolf continued to run. He dodged trees and roots and rocks. I glanced at the sky and saw that the sun was coming up. The wolf suddenly slowed down and walked forward. Where am I? The wolf walked into the center of an opening. I stayed on his back and examined my surroundings. There were underground caves and one above ground cave. The wolf barked and I watched as a black wolf trotted out. It spotted me and quickly lowered its ears. A small dark brown wolf with light brown on its belly and tail then walked out of the underground cave and stared at me.

A golden wolf and light brown wolf then came out and the golden one growled. The light brown wolf looked scared but curious. The brown and white wolf yipped and barked to his pack mates when a dark gray wolf leaped out and clawed at him. I yelped as I fell off and landed on my back. I watched as the dark gray wolf growled at the brown and white wolf. Suddenly a deep howl echoed throughout the forest. I stayed on the ground and turned to the only cave above ground level. At the top of the ledge was a midnight black wolf and a pale brown wolf. I watched as the black wolf walked towards me. The brown and white wolf quickly was barking but it seemed like the black wolf wasn't listening.

+Jack's POV+

"Mark listen to me! This human is not dangerous! I just saved her from Dan!" I pleaded. Ethan and Alia held me back as Mark drew closer to Y/n. He circled her then walked to me. "Jack, does she know who you are?" Mark questioned. I lowered my tail and answered, "Only as a human..." Nate, Felix, and Tyler growled while everyone else remained silent. Mark shook his head. "Jack you had to follow a simple rule-" "Well the rule is stupid okay?!" I snapped. Mark whipped his head and his brown eyes narrowed. "Mark...I've never felt this way for someone before told me that I would find the right girl. So here I am with the right girl" I said.

Mark snarled and pinned me to the ground. "Rules are made for a reason Jack! She could pretend to love you then expose all of us to the whole world! Would you want your family to die like that?" I growled, "You haven't even met her! Whatever happened to 'don't judge a book by its cover' Mark?" Mark growled and grabbed me by the scruff of my neck. He tossed me across the camp and I quickly got on my feet. "I brought her here because she isn't safe anywhere else!" I explained.

"You could of left her with Dan-" "But then she would of died!" "WHO CARES?!" Mark yelled. Everything went silent. "I care Mark. I...I like y/n and if I have to leave the pack in order to be with her..then fine. I know she's the one for me. I know I'm breaking a rule but I don't want to be alone forever Mark. I want a mate, I want a family, I want to see my pups grow up and grow old!" I said. "But how if she's only human?" Amy questioned. I turned to her then y/n who looked scared for me.

"Either I find a way to make her one of us or her and I go to the city with her" I answered. " would be best to reveal to the girl who you are and explain everything to her" Ethan said. I nodded and walked over to her. She quickly got up and stared at me. I really really like you y/n. I know we only met days ago but I want to get to know you better. I promised you that I would stop telling lies but there is one lie I've shown you and that's my human form. Let me show you who I really am ...

I transformed into my human form and watched her. Her e/c eyes widened and she covered her mouth. "Y-y-you're one of them?" she questioned. "Yes b-but I don't kill humans! None of my friends do unless they're defending their home but that's different!" I quickly said. Y/n's face looked pale and she passed out. "Shit.." I mumbled. Ethan changed into his human form and helped put her in the underground cave. I watched as Mark entered his cave. The rest of the wolves glared or ignored me. I went to the underground cave and saw Ethan and Marzia sitting beside y/n.

"How is she?" I asked. Ethan turned and slapped me in the face. I fell on my side and rubbed my cheek. "You're such an idiot Jack! What the hell were you thinking as you brought her here?!" Ethan snapped. "She'd be protected by us! Y/n can't leave the forest unless Dan and his pack catches her" I replied. Marzia turned in to human form and rested her hand on y/n's forehead. Marzia slowly pulled away and examined y/n. Ethan sighed and rubbed his eyes. "God damn it Jack" he mumbled.

"She looks...harmless.." Marzia stated as if she was talking to herself. "She is harmless! I'm telling you she is harmless" I said. Marzia turned to face me. "Jack...I-I want to believe you. I really do but what I've been taught and what we've experienced, I don't know..." Felix entered the cave, in human form, and spotted Marzia. "Marzia get away from her!" He snapped. Felix grabbed her shoulder and pulled het away from y/n. I shoved Felix away and said, "Dude stop acting like y/n has a disease!" Felix's eyes widened. "You know her name?" "Yeah I do! Got a problem with that?" I said as I got in his face.

"Yes I do Jack, you're my problem! You're the whole packs problem now that you brought a human here!" Felix snapped as he grew closer to me. "Felix stop!" Marzia pleaded. Before I could defend myself, Felix grabbed me and threw me out of the cave. As I rolled, I turned into a wolf and snarled at Felix. Felix walked out in his wolf form and we circled each other.

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