Twenty Four

150 8 3

+Jack's POV+

It's been two hours since Ethan and Y/n have been missing. I sat in front of the camp fire and just stared at the flames. I felt heartbroken, betrayed. Amy stood up, which made her four pups cry. She licked them and stretched her legs while Mark watched over his pups. She sat next to me and stared at the fire. "Jack...I'm sorry. Y/n...y/n seemed like a good person-" "Mark was right Amy. All humans are the same" I interrupted. Amy lowered her ears. "But you can't judge the whole human race after one person." "It doesn't matter anyway. I'm never gonna get a mate or a family-" "Mark we have a wolf racing towards us" Felix alerted. Mark stood up as Amy rushed to her pups.

Mark, Nate, Tyler, and I stood beside each other and watched the wolf racing alongside the road. Tyler leaned outwards. "I-I think that's Ethan." I squinted my eyes and it was Ethan. "Well there he is. Maybe he knows about y/n" Nate suggested. Suddenly a human was riding on his back. My heart leaped for joy. She didn't leave! She didn't leave! I barked happily as Ethan trotted over. I transformed and hugged y/n. "I thought you left for good! Where'd you go? I was so worried!" I asked. "I just dropped the truck off at the nearest gas station, which was about three hours away, and Ethan took me back here. Sorry about scaring you" she said with a smile. 

Mark barked, "Alright we need to find a new home for us. Dan will not stop searching the forest until he finds y/n. If he sees us alive, then we're in big trouble. Now we're going to cut through this forest, away from main roads, and go to the Coastline forest." "Coastline Forest?! Mark that's weeks away from us!" Felix said. "Well we'll have to move fast then. Since we have pups Marzia, Evan, Alia, and Ethan will carry a pup. Amy if you feel tired or anything let me know and we'll rest. Now lets get moving!" Mark howled. The pack howled and y/n joined in.

I transformed into my wolf form and y/n hopped on. Mark led the way while I trailed right behind him. Alia raced beside me as she carried the black pup. We raced through the forest. I leaped over roots and little animals that scurried away. I felt y/n rest her head on my neck and her grip tightened. I kept racing through the forest. We kept running until it grew dark. We stopped near a huge lake and made camp there. Amy gathered her pups and they drank the milk. Mark ordered Nate, Tyler, and Alia to go out and hunt.

I tranformed and y/n was sitting by the pups. "Have you named them?" She asked. Amy shook her head and faced Mark, who was in his human form. "We have some ideas" he replied looking at Amy. She barked and Mark smiled. "I like that name. Okay let me check to see the genders and then we'll figure out their names." Mark did so and said, "Three boys and a girl. The runt is a girl." I clapped and so did y/n.

Amy licked her pups and the pups licked back. After they stopped drinking, Amy turned to her human form and the pups cuddled on her lap. "Which is the oldest?" Mark asked sitting next to Amy. Y/n pointed at the large pup that had Amy's fur but looked muscular like Mark. Mark rubbed his head and the pup sniffed and lightly nibbled on them. "How about...Kahne?" Amy suggested. Y/n scooted closer to me and held my hand. I smiled at her and she smiled back. Mark seemed to have noticed this but didn't say anything. "Alright Kahne it is!" Mark smiled petting his son's head.

The second oldest was the black pup. Mark named him Scout. The third pup was like Kahne but he had darker fur. Amy named him Max. Finally Mark and Amy were stuck for a girl name. The smallest pup had dark gray fur on her lower half and snout but her upper half his light gray. Y/n started suggesting some names. "Jade, Dawn, Lexi-" "I like Jade" Amy said to Mark. He nodded and that was her name. "So we got Kahne, Scout, Max, and Jade" I listed. "Good job on the names" Marzia said as she circled by the fire. Later on everyone was starting to fall asleep. I laid near the fire and y/n snuggled close to me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her forehead. She smiled and placed her hand on my side. Soon she fell asleep in my arms.

Here's what the pups look like

Kahne is on the left while Scout is on the right

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Kahne is on the left while Scout is on the right

This is Max

And this is JadeAlso sorry if this chapter was a little bit shorter than the others

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And this is Jade
Also sorry if this chapter was a little bit shorter than the others.

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