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Jack crawled closer to the buck. His brown paws leaving faded tracks in the mud. It rained a few days ago which is good for the wolves. The new rain scent can easily hide their wolf-like scent. Jack watched as the buck rose his head and looked around. Its gray ears perking up and sideways. The does were far ahead. Jack crouched and rolled his shoulders. When the buck wasn't looking, Jack leaped on top and bit on its neck. The buck screeched and shook Jack off. "After it!" he howled. Two wolves raced out from the forest after the buck. Jack quickly got on his paws and followed his kill.

He could see the bloody wound Jack made. Sooner or later he'll drop. The does scattered away as the buck raced by. Jack caught up to his friends and the darker brown one leaped on the buck. The dark brown wolf's claws gripped on to the rear of the buck. Jack jumped over and pinned the buck's head down while the black she-wolf took a hold of the buck by its neck. The three wolves were able to stop the buck and killed it. "Good work" Jack said slightly panting.

The black she-wolf licked her red lips. "I should of chased after one of the baby deers." "Alia, without you we wouldn't have been able to kill this thing" Ethan said. Alia rolled her brown eyes and grabbed one part of the buck. "Lets get a move on before other wolves try to fight us for this" she mumbled. Jack and Ethan picked up the other sides of the deer and carried it to the pack's location. They dropped the buck in the middle of the pack's camp and a few wolves came out from their dens.

"Nice catch!" Tyler exclaimed. The tall brown wolf's tail wagged excitedly. A blonde wolf with blue eyes stood next to a light brown she-wolf. Jack's attention turned to the Alpha and his Omega. They jumped down from the cave and stared at the kill. The Alpha's brown eyes scanned the kill while his black fur danced in the breeze. "Well done Jack, Ethan, and Alia. Pack join in on the feast!" Mark announced. Jack took a bite from the buck's leg and ripped the meat away. The pack joined in and ripped the buck apart.

Jack took another bite and saw Alia walking away to her cave. He gulped his food and raced after her. "Hey Alia, you gonna eat?" He asked. Alia folded her ears down. "I-I....I'll skip this time. They need it more than I do" Alia answered. Jack chuckled, "What do you mean? You need food too. Come on, lets go hunt!" She shook her head. "N-no. I've had enough for one day." Alia turned away when Jack suddenly stepped on her tail to stop her. She growled and snapped at Jack. Her sharp white teeth nearly clipping Jack's brown and white fur.

Her brown eyes glared into Jack's blue ones. "Leave me alone Jack!" She snapped as she pulled her tail away. "Alia what's going on?" Jack asked racing beside her. Something was wrong with his friend and he had to figure it out. "Jack I said leave me alone!" Alia turned and swiped at Jack. Her claws made contact with his snout. Jack yelped and backed away. Felix and Ethan raced over. "Alia what the hell?" Felix snapped. Alia's tail lashed angrily. "I told Jack to leave me alone and he didn't. I warned him!"

Ethan examined Jack's snout. It wasn't a deep cut but it was slightly bleeding. "Jack lets head to the cabin up the hill" Ethan said as he guided Jack away from the camp. Mark walked over and stopped us. "What's up?" "Jack got injured, I'm just gonna drop him off at the cabin" Ethan explained. Mark nodded and Ethan and Jack walked up the forest hill. "Ethan I'm fine. It's just a scratched. It was my fault-" "Hush Jack. I'm just tryna get you way from everything so you can clear your mind" Ethan said smiling.

They saw the cabin ahead and they tranformed in to their human form. Jack, Ethan and the others are all the same. When they transform from wolf to human, they're in their underwear. Jack and Ethan entered the cabin and shut the door. The cabin was big enough for the whole pack but they mainly used this as a healing center, mating place, or just to behave like humans.

Ethan walked over to the kitchen and opened the medicine cabin. "I'll clean it then put a band aid on it" he said grabbing what he needed. Jack sighed and touched his nose. He flinched and Ethan swatted his hand away. "You don't want it infected" Ethan said as he started to clean the wound. As Jack sat on the stool, he glanced around the familiar cabin. The clean wooden floors and the ceiling. Curtains pulled aside so the sun light could pour in the room.

Ethan then placed a band aid on it and smiled. "It'll heal by tomorrow but just keep it on for tonight." Jack touched the band aid. "Will it stay if I change in to wolf form?" He asked. "Not likely. You will be bigger in wolf form so the band aid will easily fall off your snout" Ethan explained as he grabbed a soda from the fridge. Jack groaned and walked to a bedroom. He grabbed a black shirt and gray sweat pants. "I wanna go back out-" "It's only one night Jack. I'll inform the pack on your whereabouts" Ethan said opening the front door.

"See ya tomorrow" Jack said as he walked to the kitchen and started to make hot chocolate. The front door shut and Ethan transformed into a wolf and raced off. "I just got scratched. I shouldn't be here, this is stupid" he mumbled to himself. Ugh it's gonna be sooo boring here on my own Jack thought.

A/n's note:
Alia is SSSniperWolf in case anyone didn't know

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