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+Y/n's POV+

I waited and waited. I could hear the sounds of nature around me. It was unsettling. Jack will be back. He promised. The ground started to shake. I held my breath as I heard multiple paw steps hit the ground. Maybe it's the pack! Or...maybe it's Jack! I moved a little stick over and saw the brown wolf with a dark brown face. Dan I think was the name Mark called him. "Now that we have that taken care of, find that human. Kill her!" Dan ordered his pack. The wolves howled and raced off. I ducked and covered my mouth.

Where's Jack? What happened to the pack?! I didn't want to leave the safety of the hole but I had to see what happened. I waited for a little while longer. Then I decided to get up. I pushed the leaves and sticks aside and saw the morning sun. I glanced around and saw not a werewolf in sight. I have to get back to camp. I started running. I ran as fast as I could go. The stream Jack leaped over, I crossed it. I kept going until the forest became familiar.

My instincts told me to take a left turn and there it was. The empty camp. "Hello? Jack? Ethan? Amy?" I called out. A wolf emerged from the underground cave. Goosebumps appeared on my skin but then I relaxed when I saw Felix. "Felix! Felix oh thank god! What happened?" I asked running up to him. He transformed and looked horrible. His blonde hair was a mess and his eyes were red and puffy. I made me voice calmer and sweet. "Hey..hey are you okay?" "Th-they got them" he mumbled out. "What?" I questioned. "Scientists...hunters... They came and took most of the pack" Felix explained while his body was shaking.

"Who was taken?" I asked. "Nate, Tyler, Alia, Mark, Jack, and...and Marzia" Felix broke down in tears. I felt all the air leave my lungs. J-jack? No... I fell on my knees and covered my head with my hands. Tears started to roll down my face. This is all my fault! God damn it! If I never came to this trip none of this would of happened! I felt someone rub my back. I looked up and saw Ethan and Amy standing beside me.

I quickly stood up and hugged them. "Y/n! I'm so glad you're alive!" Amy cheered. "I am too but you're not safe here. None of us are" Ethan pointed out. Felix stood next to us wiping away his tears. "Then where do we go?" I asked. "We could try to leave the forest" Felix suggested. "But the dirt road Y/n took caused her to get attacked by Dan's pack" Ethan said. "But Dan's pack is busy searching the forest for me. So if we leave now, we may have a chance at getting out of the forest" I explained.

Amy placed a hand on her bump. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Are you sure you're up for this Amy? We can find another way-" Amy cut me off. "-No. I can do this. It's just a run on the dirt road. It won't hurt me or the babies. If it was running through the forest, then that would of been different." "Alright Y/n you can hop on my back" Felix said. I nodded and watched the three werewolves transform to their wolf form. I got on Felix's back and held onto him as they took off. Ethan was leading us while Amy was in the middle and Felix brought the rear.

The cold wind blasted against my face. I tightened my grip and kept my head on Felix's back. I closed my eyes and could feel his shoulder blades move every time he took a step. His lungs breathing in and out. I could hear his heartbeat bounding fast and hard. I opened my eyes and looked at the morning sky. Dark gray clouds were approaching. I tapped Felix's side and pointed at the sky. "Might wanna get prepared for some rain" I said. Felix snorted and kept running.

We ran for awhile and Ethan started to slow down into a light jog. The dark clouds started to cover the blue sky. Amy barked something and Ethan stopped. Rain started to fall and I put my hoodie on. Ethan led us underneath a huge tree and the leaves blocked the rain from pouring down on us. I jumped off of Felix and wiped the rain droplets off of my jacket. They stayed in their wolf forms and curled close to each other. "Not gonna turn to human?" I wondered. Ethan shook his head. He used his snout to point at the rain. Oh as human form they'll be cold since they don't have actual clothes....

I nodded and sat against the tree trunk. I stared at the rain drops and wondered about Jack. Someone grabbed my hoodie and carried me. "Hey!" I yelped trying to wiggle free. I was dropped in the middle of Amy, Ethan, and Felix. Felix was the one that brought me over. I stared at him and he smiled. He rested his tail on me like and blanket and lowered his head. I rested my head on his fore paw and adjusted my black hoodie. The sound of the rain hitting the leaves and ground made me tired. I yawned and closed my eyes.

+Jack's POV+

I sat up and hit my head. "Argh!" I growled. I opened my eyes and saw bars in front of me. I glanced around and saw that I was in a metal cage. I tried to bite off the bars but nothing happened. "Mark? Alia? Anyone?" I called out. My voice seemed to have echoed in the cage. "Jack?" I heard Mark call out. "I'm here!" I said. "Where are we?" Tyler asked. "In some stupid science lab" Nate growled.  I looked across and saw Nate and Marzia in their cages. Nate clawed and chewed on the bars while Marzia had her ears folded down.

The sliding doors on the side opened and a man with gray hair slammed his clipboard against Nate's cage. He yelped and barked at the man. "Quiet down werewolves!" The man ordered. "Shut up you don't tell my pack what to do!" Mark barked. "Mark...I think you should listen to him. He might hurt you" Marzia said quietly. "Are you kidding me?! I'm not having some human come and over my pack around!" Mark snarled.

I watched as the man covered his ears from Mark's loud barks. The dark man from before walked in and glared at Mark. "He must be the alpha. Muzzle him and bring him to the pad room" he ordered. "O-of course" the gray man said. Both the men left the room. "Mark shut up!" I snapped. "As soon as they open this I'm charging out and killing them. I'll steal the keys and get everyone out of here" Mark explained.

Three men and a woman came over. The girl held the muzzle, one guy had a thick leash and collar, and the two guys looked ready to hold Mark down. There's no way Mark can take them by himself. As soon as the lady opened Mark's cage door, he jumped out and bit down on her shoulder. She screamed and one of the guys grabbed Mark. He growled and clawed at his face. The girl then jumped on his back and pulled him down. The guy with the leash and collar held Mark's head down as the girl locked the muzzle on. The guy that got clawed put the collar and leash on.

"Alright lets get this douche to the pad room" the girl snapped. I could hear Mark's muffled curses as he was forced to walk them. I frowned and prayed to Luna that Mark wouldn't get killed or injured.

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