Twenty Six

149 7 1

+Jack's POV+

We raced through the thin forest and stopped in a meadow. Y/n raced through the tall grass as I bounced beside her. She laughed and raced through the meadow. I raced after her and caught her. I pinned her down and made sure not to hurt her. She laughed and tried to wiggle away. I shook my head. I caught you and you can't get away! "Jack! You caught me! You win!" She said. I turned to my human form and laughed. She sat up and looked around.

The tall grass made us not see the pack members. "This is really tall grass" y/n said reaching to try and touch the tips while still sitting. "This grass must be really healthy then" I said laying on my back. Y/n layed beside me and we stared at the clouds. We started cloud watching. "That one looks like an ice cream!" Y/n said. "It does! Oh and that one looks like a dragon!" I said pointing at the one next to the ice cream cloud. Y/n nodded and pointed at another cloud that looked like a clover. 

Suddenly I detected something. I stood up and looked around. "Jack, is there something wrong?" Y/n asked standing beside me. "I don't know...I just feel something close" I answered looking through the grass. Y/n grabbed my forearm and rested her head against my shoulder. "Maybe it's just one of the pack mates?" I sniffed the air and smelled a werewolf. "No, the werewolf isn't apart of our pack. But it's alone, maybe a rogue" I said. Y/n glanced behind us and tapped my shoulder. "You detected a single werewolf?" She questioned. I looked at her and said, "Yeah, why?" She pointed behind us and turned around. Two wolves were slowly crawling towards us. I transformed into my wolf form but the two wolves attacked me. I clawed and barked at the wolves. I watched as y/n started running to the pack. Smart! Go get help! I'll fight these two off.

"Miss us Jack?" A familiar female voice said. I threw the female wolf off of me and stared at the two wolves. "Signe! Wade! What are you doing here?!" I snarled. The tall brown wolf chuckled, "Y/n knows too much. She must be killed!" "There's no point in killing her! She's apart of our pack now" I snapped. Signe rose an eyebrow. "A human apart of a werewolf pack? You have to be kidding me." "It doesn't matter! Y/n's getting back up right now so you two will-" Wade cut me off with a laugh. "You are really stupid! You detected three wolves! Three! Where's the third?" My gut dropped. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Phil wagging his tail and holding Y/n by the neck of her shirt. She wiggled and tried to break free but Phil wouldn't let her go.

Signe grabbed the scruff of my neck and threw me against a tree. "See ya never Jack!" She laughed as they race off. "Jack!" I heard y/n scream. I quickly stood up and they were gone. I raced to the pack. "Mark! Dan's pack! They...they followed us and took y/n!" I said catching my breath. Amy grabbed her four pups and kept then close and she and Marzia looked around. Mark stood up and looked at his pack. "Evan and Marzia stay here with Amy and the pups. The rest of us will get y/n back and finish this." Amy flattened her ears. "What do you mean by 'finish this'" she asked.

Nate smiled and looked at his claws. "I think Mark means that Dan will no longer be a problem for us after this." "Good. I hate him following our tails" Alia snapped. "Come on! Lets get going!" I said. I led the pack to where y/n and I were before and they all got a scent of Signe, Phil, and Wade. Felix and Ethan raced in the same direction and we followed. Anger burned through me. Once I see Dan, I'm killing him. No hesitation. I'll kill everyone in his pack.

Felix and Ethan jumped over a river and followed alongside it. As we raced along the river, I could smell salt water. "Does anybody else scent salt water?" Tyler questioned. "I scent it" I said. "Me too" Mark, Nate, and Alia agreed. "Are we that close to the ocean already?" Felix questioned. "I guess so" Mark said. "Leave me ALONE!" Y/n screamed. The pack stood still and turned their attention to the clutter of trees.

We heard a group of laughters coming from the trees. We slowly pushed past the trees and surrounded Dan's pack. Y/n stood by the edge of the cliff. She looked down to the ocean far below then to Dan with worried eyes. Dan transformed to his human form and walked over to her. "Get away from me!" She snapped taking a step back. Dan placed a hand on her cheek and smiled. "You should stop resisting human. You're going to die no matter what. As long as I'm alive, you and all the humans will die. Then the werewolves will take over. Those who live...well..." Dan trailed off placing his hand underneath her chin.

My claws scraped the ground as he did this. Y/n glared at him and her eyes moved to me. She flicked them back to me and grabbed Dan's wrist. "Oh human..stop fighting" he laughed. She flicked her eyes to me and Dan must of caught this because he turned around and his eyes widened. "Attack!" Mark ordered. I charged passed everyone and to Dan. He dropped y/n on the ground and transformed. I bit on his shoulder while he clawed my side.

Phil raced over and head butted me. I rolled on the ground and got back up. Y/n was on her knees watching the fight. Dan and Phil turned away from me and raced to her. I growled and rammed into both of them. I clawed Phil's snout and bit Dan's ear. "God damn it! Jack I'm gonna KILL YOU!" Dan snarled. He lunged for my throat but I quickly dodged. Phil bit my back leg and I clawed is head. I grabbed him by the scruff and threw him against Signe, who was fighting Alia. Y/n raced to get away from the edge but Wade kicked her over the edge, "NO!" I screamed. Dan pinned me down and he snarled. "See what falling for a human did to you Jack? She's dead and now you're about to die too!"

I glanced around and saw no help. My pack was too busy fighting to notice me in danger. The sun was setting and I could see the moon. I tried to bite at Dan's leg but he placed a paw on my chin to stop my snout from opening. My throat was exposed. I whimpered and tried to break free but it was no use. Luna..please forgive me for everything I've done. I don't want to die. Not now. Please save me. 

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