Twenty Three

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+Y/n's POV+

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stretched. Jack was cuddled up next to me by the burning fire. It was still night time. I looked around and saw Mark watching his pups while sitting across from me. Through the flames I could see him smiling. He must be so proud. His gaze then shifted to me. I froze. Mark stared at me then sat up. "Come walk with me y/n" he said walking into the forest. I glanced back at sleeping Jack then quickly followed Mark. I walked beside him and he just continued to look forward. I was about to speak up when he spoke, "Y/n I just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done. I didn't expect a human to help out a werewolf. I didn't expect any human to shown kindness or compassion for us werewolves. I thought all humans were vile and evil creatures but you showed me that not all humans are like that. With that being said, I trust you."

I smiled, "Thank you Mark for trusting me." Mark looked back at me and smiled. "You can go back to your home. I know you miss your family. Take the truck and drive back home. There should be enough fuel to get you to the nearest gas station." My smile dropped. Go back now? But I don't want to. I wanted to go home in the beginning but after everything I went through...I feel like THIS is my home. Mark does trust me but he won't let me stay with his pack. I'm not one of them. There isn't any way I could be one of them. What about Jack? Could I take him with me? But then I'll just be tearing him apart from his family.

I kept quiet and stared at the ground. "Something wrong?" Mark questioned. "I...I don't know what to do" I replied looking at the moon. "Didn't you want to go home?" He asked. I slowly nodded. "Then why are you hesitating?" It took me a moment to come up with an answer. "Because I feel more comfortable here. I feel...attached to this pack. I feel like they, including you, are my family. But I know how you are about humans and I know you trust me and all but I can't belong with you. I'm only human and you guys are werewolves" I said crossing my arms and kicking the ground.

"Can you keep secrets?" Mark questioned. "Yes I can, why?" I said. Mark sighed and looked at the moon. "Only Amy and I know this. No one else. If you tell anybody about this, you're dead. I won't hesitate to kill you" he said sharply. A shiver went down my spine and I slowly nodded. "I used to be human. Amy was a pure blood werewolf and I was a pure blood human. We met when Amy escaped from hunters in a park. She ran into me in her human form and it was love at first sight. I took her back home but she was scared and afraid of being caught. After awhile, she got used to staying at my place. I would take her out for food and eventually she fell in love with me. We dated for about a month before she told me that she was a werewolf" Mark said.

My eyes widened. "Yeah yeah I know....I'm a hypocrite" Mark said sitting on the grass. I sat next to him and looked at him. "How were you able to transform into a wolf?" I asked. Mark bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh...well..the first time I became a wolf was the next day after Amy and for the first time." "'d you feel about that?" I asked. "The wolf transformation part was scary but interesting. Amy and I ran to the forest, where Amy belonged. Yes I left my home and family but I was going to live the rest of my life with Amy."

He continued, "One day Amy and I were hunting and we saw a pack of wolves being tortured by their cruel alpha. The alpha was Dan. Dan was about to kill young Ethan when I stepped up and fought Dan. I had no experience with fights but I won against him. Those who still wanted Dan as their alpha left the area with Dan while the others stayed with me. Those other werewolves were the pack we're with now. They don't know about any of my backstory and you better never tell them." I placed my hand on my heart and smiled. "I promise Mark I won't say anything" I said.

Mark nodded and stood up. "Good. Maybe someday you will become one of us." He walked back to the pack while I stayed there. Me a werewolf? I could stay with the pack but what about my family? I sat there, trying to decide what I should do. Either stay with Jack and the pack or take the truck and go back to the city. When the sun started to rise, I knew what I was going to do. I stood up and walked back to the pack. I quietly entered the campsite and saw Amy's pups cuddled up to their mother. Mark was in his wolf form cuddled with Amy and his tail on top of his pups. I glanced at Jack who was in his human form and still sleeping, his back to me. I walked over to Ethan and tapped his shoulder. He looked at me and tilted his head.

+Jack's POV+

I reached my arm out to wrap around y/n but she wasn't there. I quickly sat up and frantically looked around. The fire was dead and the sun was above the horizon. Alia and Marzia were the only ones awake. "Have you seen y/n?" I whispered. They shook their heads. I stood up and changed to my wolf form. I sniffed the ground and saw that she was here hours ago. I circled around the campsite and noticed the truck was gone. I raced along Mark's side and nudged him with my nose. He mumbled and slowly rose his head.

"Mark the truck is gone and so is y/n!" I said in a panicked tone. "Ethan's gone too" Nate said shaking his fur. Mark stood up and glanced at the road. "Y/n must of gone back to the city" he said. I lowered my tail and ears. No...she couldn't have. She wouldn't leave me. "But what about Ethan?" Alia questioned. Mark shrugged, "We can have a search party for Ethan but if he went with y/n, there's nothing we can do about it." I felt tears starting to slide down my cheeks. I quickly turned away and raced into the forest. Branches snatched my fur and whacked my paws but I kept running. I then collapsed on the ground and sobbed. Luna why do you do this to me? I found someone I wanted to be with forever and now she's gone? What else are you going to take from me?

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