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Best friend's name = b/f/n

Y/n and her best friend continued their drive to the woods. "I'm glad we got this cabin deep in the woods" y/n said adjusting her jacket. "Well we did need some girl time up here" b/f/n said smiling as she kept her hands on the steering wheel. The two friends have been on the road for three hours. They planned a week stay just to get some time with each other, for their work, and hike around nature. Y/n pulled out her journal and opened the first page.

"So what do we need to find and research?" B/f/n asked. " the bird section we need to find a Black-capped Chicadee and a Crossbill while in the flower section we need to find Birthroots, Virginia Bluebells, and False Goat's Beard" Y/n listed. "Anything else?" Y/n went through and shook her head. "Well we have a full week to research all those creatures and plants so tonight we'll get all our supplies in the cabin then maybe we can roast some marshmellows out in the back" b/f/n said.

The sky was turning to shades of purple and dark blue as the sun set. "Do you think we might see some bears or deers? Or maybe a wolf?" Y/n asked with excitement. "As long as they don't attack us then we'll be fine." B/f/n parks in front of the cabin. Y/n steps out and takes a deep breath. "Ah...fresh air! I have a good feeling about this week b/f/n" she states as she opened the front door. B/f/n follows behind and they both gasp at the beauty of the cabin.

It was so large! It could fit two families in it! "We get this whole place to ourselves?" Y/n questioned. "Yep, isn't that awesome?!" B/f/n said. She turned and walked to the car. "Y/n, why don't you go look around? I'll go get our bags."

+Y/n's POV+

I nodded and examined the living room. It had a big brown couch and a fireplace. The kitchen was set right behind it. I looked through the cabinets and saw food and medical stuff already set. I thought only b/f/n and I would be here...maybe this was from the previous people? I walked over to a window and saw the beautiful sunset. The strong trees casted shadows and mother nature herself was beautiful.

"Oooh this kitchen is outstanding!" B/f/n said placing our bags on the island. "Yeah it is. Also there's food and supplies already in the cabinets, should we be concerned?" I questioned. B/f/n walked to one and opened it. She smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "There were no other cars up front so this is all ours now." No one would leave tons of medicine and food out in a cabin. B/f/n must of sensed me worry cause she walked over and hugged me. "Don't worry y/n, nobody else is here. It's just us and nature."

I nodded and she pulled away. "Now I'm gonna get some of our food from the bins and bring them in here. You get that fire started." I walked over to the fire placr and lit a match. I threw it in the dry wood and it started to burn. I stood back and watched the dancing flames. This is where I love to be. Not many people up here, no technology, we have to do everything ourselves. Just like in the old days! I wish I could live here forever.

Then I heard a loud crash! My heart jumped and started to beat louder and faster. "Uh..b/f/n? Did-did you drop something?" I asked as I walked to the front door. It was shut. From the window I could see her closing the car door. But I heard that on the...inside. I turned and faced the dark hallway. I slowly flicked a light switch on and the hallway lit up. At the end of it, I saw some sort of vase broken in to little pieces.

I pull my pocket knife out of my boot and continue to walk forward. I reached the end of the hall and saw a bedroom door in front of me. It was cracked open. I reached my hand out to tap it open when something grabbed my wrist. I yelped and tried to wiggle free. My right hand, the one with the knife, swung down and missed the attacker. I yelled for help but the person covered my mouth. I kicked it in the gut and then punched it in the face. It groaned and fell on its knees. I got on top of it and pinned it down. My knife was inches from its neck. 

When my eyes adjusted to what happen, I saw a young man. He looked about my age, maybe older, and he looked as scared as I was. His brown hair was aside and his blue eyes were wide eith fear. "Please...I was just trying to defend my home" he stated. He's Irish? What's he doing out in the middle of the woods alone? "I-why are you here alone? Isn't this cabin a bit big for a guy like you?" I questioned still not getting off.

"T-this was's before he passed." Liar. I smiled, "Good lie but lying ain't gonna get you nowhere." Suddenly the man threw me off and raced to one of the bedrooms. I growled and chased after him. I saw him open a window and I stopped in my tracks. I noticed that he has a band aid on his nose and he wore only underwear. My eyes instantly did a quick examination of the stranger. He was skinny but you could see outlines of his muscles. He had a six pack and...he was pretty good looking.

Maybe he just needed the band aid. I put my knife away and took a step to him. "Sir, I see your injury on your nose. If you need a room to stay, this room can be yours. If you need some food or water or..clothes then just ask. I don't think it would be a good idea to go out in the woods at night in your underwear." The man smirked and shook his head. "You don't need to worry about me miss." With that the man jumped out of the window. I quickly raced over and saw nothing but the dark forest and the navy sky.

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