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+Y/n's POV+

I stood up and watched the man go. That's strange how we heard the same voice. did he know my name?! I quickly turned back to the cabin and stared speed walking when I heard the voice again. Follow him she whispered. I glanced behind me and shook my head. I'm not going in the middle of the forest with a stranger. I entered the cabin and b/f/n was sitting on the couch while eating a sandwich. Thanks for making me one.

I walked into the kitchen and started to make my dinner. "Find anything?" B/f/n asked as she turned to face me. "Yeah, the Goat's Beard flower" I said placing the journal on the countertop. B/f/n got off the couch and flipped through the pages. She smiled, "Well done." "Thanks, I'm gonna go to my room and see what else we need to get" I answered as I took my journal and headed to my room. "Okay, I'll be out here cleaning" she said.

+Time Skip+

I opened my eyes and heard a door shut. I got out of bed and walked to the hallway. I saw the bathroom door was shut. As I passed b/f/n's room, I saw that she left her phone on the bed. We both agreed to bring our phones but only to use it for emergencies. I picked up her phone and saw that she was texting our boss. Okay..maybe just a checkup to see how we're doing.

B/f/n: I found another flower!

Boss: Good work, when do you think you'll be back from your forest trip?

B/f/n: Soon, I just need to find a few more things but it'll be easy

Boss: Alright, with this information we'll be able to learn more about nature.

B/f/n: Great! Will I be able to get a promotion since I'm doing all this hard work by myself?

Boss: Of course! Y/n still hasn't shown up for work which is suspicious. Maybe she's sick?

B/f/n: She just texted me a pic of her at a party.

Boss: What! That girl is in serious trouble!

B/f/n: What will you do?

Boss: Don't worry about her missy. Just focus on your goal then when you come me in my office when everyone leaves 😉

My mouth hung open. How could she?! I'm her best friend! How could she betray me like this and fuck the boss? I stormed to my room and returned to bed. She was never my friend. She just used me to get more money. I grabbed my journal and hid it under my pillow. I'll wake up tomorrow and just leave her here. She deserves it! Sunlight forced my eyes open. I covered them and made sure my journal was under my pillow. It was.

I changed into jean shorts and a red t-shirt. I grabbed my satchel and stuffed the journal in it. I put on my black hiking boots and headed down the hallway. B/f/n' door was shut so she must still be sleeping. I entered the living room and saw b/f/n standing in the kitchen making herself some cereal. Damn it. "Hey you're up early! Good thing too. I heard some birds chirping and I think that might mean we may find something today" b/f/n said smiling.

I slowly nodded and made myself cereal. Well I might as well get some information about the birds. Maybe I could show the boss that I actually did the work and leave b/f/n here in the forest. After breakfast we were on our way. We climbed up a hill and walked along a stream. B/f/n took pictures on nature on her phone. I glanced up into the trees and saw a Black-capped Chicadee making her nest. "B/f/n, shush. Look" I whispered as I crouched down.

I pulled my journal and quickly sketched the bird. After I finished the sketch and information, I closed the journal and placed it in my satchel. "Nice finding y/n" B/f/n said patting my shoulder. We continued to walk and found a Crossbill on the ground picking at a worm. I did another quick sketch and filled out the information. "We got all the birds and now we need a few more flowers" I read from my journal. "What do we need?" B/f/n said glancing over my shoulder.

She grabbed the journal out of my hands and read through the flower section. I reached out to get it but b/f/n pulled away. "Hey just let me read it" she said frowning. I rolled my eyes and glanced around. The stream beside us grew thicker and went down the edge and into a lake at the bottom. "Maybe we can find some near the water down there" I said pointing to the shore. B/f/n stood beside me and nodded. "Okay go check it out!" Suddenly I was shoved off the edge. I yelped and tried to grab on to something. My back was the first thing that crashed into the water. My back also hit an underwater rock and I blacked out.

+B/f/n's POV+

That was too easy! I glanced at y/n's journal and smirked. Y/n's body didn't reach the surface. Good. Now that she's dead, I won't get in trouble and I'll get that promotion! I turned away and headed back to the cabin. Before I opened the front door, I heard a low growl. I slowly turned around and saw a brown and white wolf standing there. "Shoo! Get away" I said motioning my hands. The wolf's ear pricked up when it saw the journal.

It growled and leaped for the journal. The wolf got a grip on the book with its teeth. "Hey that's mine! Back off!" I yelled. I kicked it in the face and pulled it away from its teeth. I quickly went inside and shut the front door. I heard the wolf claw and growl. I locked the door and groaned. Stupid animal. Then a loud crash was heard. I turned around and heard claws tap on the hardwood ground. What the hell?

Then the wolf rushed out of the hallway and charged at me. I screamed and dodged the wolf's sharp teeth. I slid across the island but the wolf caught my leg. I yelped and landed on my side. Tears streamed down my face as I watched the wolf slowly make its way over to me. I held the journal tightly as it grew closer. The wolf's fierce blue eyes were locked on to me. Like I'm its prey... The wolf lunged at me and I screamed.

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