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+Jack's POV+

I coughed and opened my eyes. Y/n! Where is she? Is she safe? I sat up but then quickly laid down. I hissed in pain as my sides and shoulder stung. I looked around and could see that bandages were wrapped around me. I took in a sharp breath when my shoulder started to hurt. It felt like tiny knives stabbing inside of me. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit the inside of my cheek to not cry out in pain.

I waited until the pain slowly soothed. I opened my eyes and saw movement near my feet. I blinked and saw y/n curled up sleeping. "Y/n...y/n?" I called out. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and she smiled. Y/n raced over and hugged me. I was taken back but I slowly wrapped my arms around her. "How are you feeling? Do you need water or painkillers?" She questioned pulling away. "I..I could have some painkillers" I answered laying down.

Y/n nodded and rummaged through a first aid kit. "H-how long have I been out?" I wondered. "Two days" y/n answered. "Damn...I'm sorry." Y/n turned to me. "For what?" "All of this. The whole werewolf thing. I should of never met you-" Y/n cut me off. "-Don't say that Jack!" "But it's true!" I replied. "You could of been home by now!" Y/n handed me two small pills and a small wooden cup of water.

"I would of been dead" she answered. She helped me sit up and I pressed my back against the rock wall. "If you didn't jump in the water to save me...I would of been dead" y/n said. I took the pills and drank the water. "I guess you're right but I still feel like there could have been another way so you could be home" I said looking at the ground. "Jack stop worrying about me. I'll find a way home sooner or later. Right now we need to focus on you healing up" y/n said lightly patting my non injured shoulder.

My stomach growled and I blushed with embarrassment. "What do you want to eat?" Y/n asked standing up. "Uh...anything meat" I answered. "I'll get a cooked steak from the cabin, be right back!" With that, y/n took off. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall. "Hey..." I turned and saw Felix walking in. His blonde hair was a little messy and his eyes kept to the ground. I kept my mouth shut as he drew closer. "I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to hurt you that bad. I was j-just upset and angry" he said.

"It's okay Felix. I hope I didn't hurt you" I replied. Felix shook his head. "You should of though. I deserved it." Nate then walked in. His black and gray fur made him hard to see in the dark. He transformed into a human and smiled at me. "Good morning Sleeping Beauty!" I chuckled and winced. "Argh...don't make me laugh!" I smiled touching my sides. "Where's the girl?" He questioned. "She's getting me something to eat" I answered. Felix turned and walked away. "Where you going?" Nate asked. "Out" Felix answered. He left and Nate shrugged.

"When will you be able to stand and hunt?" I glanced at my dry blood stained bandages. "I'm not sure." Y/n walked in and gave me a steak. "I didn't know if you wanted a plate or any utensils" she said sitting on the ground next to me. "It's fine" I said. I took a bite from the steak and chewed. "So what's it like being a werewolf?" Y/n wondered. Nate glanced at me. I stared back. "'s interesting. We can transform into our human or wolf form anytime. Being a wolf is cool" Nate started rubbing his arm.

"As you're a wolf, your senses are expanded. You feel stronger and free" I answered. "Do you guys ever go to the city?" She asked. "Sometimes if we need to" Nate said. "Being a werewolf kinda sounds...awesome. When I was younger, I always thought werewolves were scary monsters coming to attack me every full moon" y/n said. Her e/c eyes moved to me and stayed. "I guess the legends were wrong."

I felt myself blush. "I don't know why the humans thought we turned to wolves during the full moon" Nate said crossing his arms. "Does the moon mean anything to you guys?" She questioned. Nate glanced at me. I adjusted my seating position. "The moon is where the first werewolf went when she died. Or at least that was what our parents and elders taught us before they passed" I answered fixing my brown hair. Y/n scooted closer to me and her eyes were wide. I swallowed and continued.

"We werewolves believe that the moon used to be the first werewolf. Her name was Luna. Pure white fur and bright green eyes. She fell in love with a human and they had children. But one night, a man broke in to their home and tried to steal the kids. Luna turned into her wolf form and attacked the man. The downside was the man's screaming. It woke people nearby and when they saw her and the dead man, they were scared and afriad. Luna and her family had to leave their small town." "Did the townspeople leave them alone?" Y/n wondered.

"Not all of them" Nate replied. "Scientists and police officers headed to the family's cabin in the woods. Luna knew they only wanted her so she told her family to run away. Her husband didn't want to leave her but he had no choice. The safety for him and his children were at risk. He took the three kids and raced deeper into the woods. They were never heard from again. Luna on the other hand stayed at the cabin and tried to reason with those who arrived. The police charged her for murder while scientist wanted to do experiments on her. Luna chose to run in the opposite direction to where her family ran to lead them away. It worked but at a cost" I said. I watched as y/n held her knees close to her chest.

"Luna was at the edge of a cliff. The ocean was below but no one could survive the fall. The police rose their guns while scientists argued to not kill her. But police don't take orders from them. They pulled the trigger. Luna took a bullet in the shoulder, forearm, thigh, and lung. With her remaining strength, she forced herself over the cliff. She howled one last time and crashed in the water." "But how did she become the moon?" questioned Y/n. "Her howl is said to have been so powerful and so full of love, that it carried her soul to the sky. She flew into the dark sky in her wolf form and took form as the moon. Her white fur shining down on Earth. After her death, her children grew older and started families of their own. They shared the story of Luna each generation" I said.

"And that's why we werewolves howl to the moon. Either to bless Luna or to sing a song for her" added Nate. I studied y/n. Her eyes were wide. She looked amazed and speechless. "! That...that was awesome! So when other werewolves die..where do they go?" "They become apart of the night sky" Nate answered. "A star" I added. Y/n stood up and brushed the dirt off her clothes. "That story is better than any other story I've heard in my life! I hope you have more that you could share later" she smiled. I smiled back and finished the steak. "Well just come over and ask. I'd be glad to share another sometime soon."

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