Special Notes!

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Thanks for reading this out guys! I know it's far from perfection and there are certain stuff i changed a lot, but i try my best to get my perspective right. And as you can see, english is definitely not my mothertounge. Yet, i made every efforts to get this as how i wanted to be so many times behind my ups and down daily schedule. 

In case you wondering, you might ask who could be Chloe if she really do exist on the show?

I've got no constant answer for that. I have her in mind and i'll keep it that way until i figure who was it and what she really like. And for hidden truth, yes i admit Hanna was my favorite character (along with Spencer), so that's where i get the idea.

But again, i really do apreciate your silent in view. It's more than enough, i mean it.

I'll work so hard to be a better storyteller and let us see how far i could get that done.

Much love


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