Part 12

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My life sucks and I really hope this part don't.


"Papa, maa kaha hai?" 4 yr old Raman asked to his father.

Om looked at his inoccent face. His face was turned to him with his hand still on the car he was playing.

How could you leave us, Toshi. Atleast you should have thought about him, he thought. Shaking his face as if throwing those thoughts away.

"Wo hamare liye Godse pray karne gayi hai." He said somehow controlling himself.

"And the tickle monster is coming." Om shouted behind the already running and gigling Raman.


"Papa, lets make chicken muglai today." Raman said without looking up from his maths homework.

Om raised his hand to ruffle his hair but patted his back instead

This is what they do. Prepare her favroite food and eat when they miss Mrs Santoshi Bhalla aka Raman's mother.

"So how is Mihir? Doing well?" Om asked to Raman, and both of them drifted to other zone.

To Raman's father, it was a simple trick to stop Raman from dwelling in pain.

Just distrack him with sth else.

But it developed like a habit to him.

He learned to move on thats true.

Move on from his first break up.

Move on from losing his high school best friend.

Move on from being in same house, same city, same country with his father.

But noone tried to look the other side of the coin.

Raman just moved on without looking back missing ... so much in life.


It has always worked, the distraction but didnt today.

When he saw empty bed, he missed Mihir.

When his mobile beeped showing its time for his medicine, he missed Ishita.

When it burned while applying the gel in his cheek, he missed how his father used to blow air.

When sleep didn't came even after an hour of lying down, he missed how Maria used to sing lullaby when he was kid.

And this is how Raman is now, in his parent's room. Drapped in their blanket, going through old videos of his parents.

"Her Anger" he opened the file. Seeing his maa like a lioness and his father scared mouse is his favroite, so sue him.

"Who was she, Mr Bhalla?" His maa's shouted angryly.

"Toshi, I m in hospital. My leg is factured and you are shouting at me?" His papa said from the hospital bed, in the most innocent voice he had ever heard.

"The hell with this hospital and your fracture. Who was the girl and why the hell did she left the room blushing like some teenage girl who was just proposed?" Raman tried to stop his giggles, his maa did looked like some angry lioness ready to pound his Papa.

"She entered in wrong room thinking its her husband's ward. And she was crying hugging me so was embarrrsed when realised that its me." He replied with pout, not meeting her eyes.

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