The decayed. (The Undead King's commanders.)

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Did you think his retainers were his only commanders in his vast army? No, he has plenty more commanders under his beck and call. Though, most of not all of these commanders are from world's that he has consumed for his vast armies. They were either brilliant warriors that impressed him or commanders that were able to hold off his armies (for a time) and so either personally shows up to deal with them or sends one of his retainers to do so. He then kills them and transforms them (using his decay) into his new commanders. These people still have all of their skills and traits that they had during life but the subservient of the dead that he controls. However, some commanders are from his cult (the cult of everlasting life) who have proved to be useful to him. They are often fanatic in their service and are just as loyal to him as the dead are. (NOTE: More are coming...)

Beast master of [REDACTED] Mache-Valiant
Status: Of the dead
Loyalty: Potent, unlikely to defect

One of his first commanders, this beast master fought hard against the undead King's armies in a desperate try to free his nomadic people of the [UNSPECIFIED]

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One of his first commanders, this beast master fought hard against the undead King's armies in a desperate try to free his nomadic people of the [UNSPECIFIED]. His snow leopard-dragon hybrids were well known among his now devastated world. However, this was highly in vain once the undead King sent his Legate Legionis to deal with this rebel upstart. He quickly dealt with the beast master, slitting his throat with one swing of his psykic blade and his beasts with a simple thought. But he was destined for something more...sickening. The undead King soon showed up and quickly reanimated the beast master and his beasts under his whim. He now serves the undead King as his loyal beast master.

Uther Pendragon of the [ERROR] peoples
Status: Among the dead
Loyalty: Uncertain, possibility of defection

Pendragon was a brilliant warrior chief that lead his people against the undead king's armies even when the land around them literally rotted away and their allies / enemies perished all around them

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Pendragon was a brilliant warrior chief that lead his people against the undead king's armies even when the land around them literally rotted away and their allies / enemies perished all around them. Though, they did last longer then most. Where most only last a couple days or weeks if they're lucky, they lasted at least a month before the King got tired with their antics. He personally showed up and slaughtered all of them. He then finally slew Uther, gutting him though the abdomen, and then reanimated him as one of his commanders. He now serves as one of the few commanders who fight on the front line, as a towering undead knight.

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