Oc 36: Abby Goldheart.

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Abby Goldheart



Demigod (child of the god of the earth) Host (host of Silvaa)

Second host of Silvaa (Dragon legion and Spartans)
Child of Goldheart (Rest of Ru'uan)
Child of the stone breaker (Primordials)
Fast eagle (What shaman call her)
My second host (Silvaa)
Sister (Gold and Vlyad)
Daughter (Jeffory, her father)
Niece (Libertas, Kakashi, Zabuza)
Cousin (Jacob, Steven, Dragon, Cywern)
Big cwousin Abby (Alina, youngest of the cousins)
My life long friend (Jacob) (they often consider themselves siblings rather then cousins)
My lover (Ares)
One hell of a fighter (Danse)
My host's daughter (Silvaa)

Young, confident, reversed, Americanish



She wears leather armour that is painted forest green in a sort of camo print

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She wears leather armour that is painted forest green in a sort of camo print. A green sash is tied around her waist as a form of belt, this is an honorary to her family whose main colour is the iconic forest green. She wears a grey shirt underneath her armour and a pair of torn jeans. The symbol of Silvaa is painted onto the back of her leather armour, a yellow heart in the eagle's talon as an tribute to the father she barely knew. She herself has two tattoos, one on her left shoulder plate which is the mark of the legion and the other on her right forearm which is the mark of Silvaa (a eagle with its wings raised over the earth)


Silvaa's talons - Twin silver tomahawksA gift to her by her cousin Steven, she is highly adept in fight close quarters combat with even the strongest legionaries struggling to keep up with her blinding speed while in combat

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Silvaa's talons - Twin silver tomahawks
A gift to her by her cousin Steven, she is highly adept in fight close quarters combat with even the strongest legionaries struggling to keep up with her blinding speed while in combat. She is not reluctant to chuck the tomahawk at you if you start running away, and the majority of the time she will hit her target in the back of her head. Often fighting like the berserker from for honour, she is incredibly fast and often pulls off massive amounts of chain attacks before you even realise what happened. These are kept at her waist and are strapped to her legs that she can easily pull out for fast-paced combat.

Being a host of Silvaa, she can pull off almost earth-blender sort of feats. She can easily manipulate the very ground that she stands on with some difficulty, often sending stone spikes at her enemies or forming cover by raising walls made from bed rock. She is also capable of healing her allies as long as she has some form of earth like clay of dirt to help her do this. If push comes to shove she can unleash Silvaa onto the battlefield, a green eagle that pulls the very earth towards her (yes, Silvaa is a girl) and forming an armour made from the ground nearby. Her link to the very earth makes her one of the most dangerous enemies to face thanks to her almost constant gaining of magic as long as some part of her is touching the ground she can keep regenerate her supply of magic, effectively becoming a human charger for magic. She can also communicate with birds or any sort of winged creature for that matter (yes, dragons count too)

Can someone give this sweet child a hug? Cause she needs it, big time.
Having suffered the loss of her mother at birth (her mother dying during labour) and her father not long after when she was three (Jeffory if you had actually thought about what could happen, maybe we wouldn't be talking about this right now...) she was left alone in the midst of the Phoenix war, with no link to her outside family and being faced with starvation in the very city she had grown up in; lets just say her chances weren't very good. Thankfully, the eagle of the earth Silvaa took great pity on Abby; being both a lone child in the mess of a war and the child of her previous host. With both her and Athena's help (HollowedShadow  OC) she was able to make it to her outside family in Sparta who took her in. She would train in both how to defend herself and how to use the power that her father and left her with, the powerful earth eagle's magic. Soon after she arrived into the legion, her older brother Gold ran away; abandoning his little sister and unable to accept his father's death. This left Abby with major abandonment issues over the fifteens years, thinking she was the reason why her older brother decided to run away. Over the fifteen years time skip she became stronger and stronger, bonding with her cousin Jacob as practically a brother. Even growing a crush on the DemiPrimodial Ares, who he returned back.

Training, talking, relaxing, avenging her father's death, playing games, doing good, helping others, winning, growing herbs, spending time with her son (later books, her son being Silver), spending time with Ares (her lover) (DeathR1pper OC) spending time with her remaining family (Gold & Abby)

Being hurt, having to harm others, not being with her family and friends, letting those she love get hurt, being reminded of her past, being abandoned again, being taken advantage of, Fenrir (since he raped her)

Brave, confident, strong willed, reserved, rigid, cold (to those she doesn't trust), loyal (to those he trust), loving (to her family), broken (from her past), depressed (from her past), recovering (from the depression), shy (to Ares)

"Trust me. I got this."
"You could have at least tried to dodge!"
"Get out! Go! Go! Go!"
"Just....don't try it again...please...."
"I love you Ares....with everything I got...."
"Who am I? Mother Earth? Is that what you call it?"
"Jacob....don't....no....Damn it!"

Theme song
Seven deadly sins (Opening one) (English) by AmaLee & Pellek

DeathR1pper and I definitely don't ship Ares and Abby we swear! Oh look it's Opposite Day! Ah snap....
If someone close to her gets hurt, she'll blame herself for it regardless of how they got it.
Though she is the youngest she is often the more mature of the lot, being obviously agitated with the rest of the legionaries shenanigans and who can blame her.
Better pray to whatever God you worship if Abby ends up on your tail, cause she ain't going to stop until you're dead.

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