Oc 7: Muthal & Blueflame

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Muthal of Vacuo. (Muthal means trickster in Arabic)
Blueflame (the big blue genie looking thing)

35 for Muthal
300~ for Blueflame

Blue flame can vary in size though he often remains in his 7 foot form

Lord of the twisting sands
The golden face of death
The eastern summoner
The desert trickster
The old man of the sands
The golden mask

The blue light of the sands
The fire of Vacuo
The wendigo of the sands (referring to it ability to mimic voices and sentience and intelligence)

Muthal has a Iranian accent while Blueflame doesn't really have an accent since it sounds like he's speaking through a metal tube.

Muthal often relies on Blueflame to do most of the dirty work, that is not saying that he doesn't have combat experience (he has that in spades), however it is limited.
Muthal uses his scimitar to finish off his enemies and clawed gloves for silent kills (because it is really damn hard to miss a big blue flaming floating top half of a genie). He also is well adept in hand to hand combat.
Blueflame relies on its bare fists to get out of tricky situations. It can also set things alight (if it chooses) burning the enemies with its blue flames until there is nothing left but bones. Though it often chooses to mirror Muthal's movements to protect him and maximise his potential on the battlefield.



StoryIf you're born in Remnant, your life will suck, full stop

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If you're born in Remnant, your life will suck, full stop. Muthal's tribe was slaughtered by a carnivorous pack of Grimm after the negative emotions of a terrible drought brought the Grimm to the camp. Seemingly Muthal, who was the youngest son of the chief, was the only survivor. He ran into the burning deserts of Vacuo to save himself from the Grimm, clutching his father's war mask and scimitar to his chest. After a few days of chasing mirage oases, he stumbled into the sands giving up on living. However, when he landed onto the sand, he cracked a golden flask that had been lost to the sands of time. And as Muthal lay panting on the scorching sand, Blueflame rose from the crack. Blueflame was what was called a war spirit, a spirit that yearned only for blood to be split, however Blueflame was banished because he cared too much for humans. Blueflame took pity on Muthal, carrying him to the nearest town for help; and because of that small gesture, Muthal would survive the harsh sands of Vacuo. Ever since that day, Muthal has wandered the sands, killing Grimm and rogue huntsmen and only going into the near derelict towns to pick up supplies. He dawned his father's war mask and Blueflame agreed to fight along side the boy he had saved as partners. He met and befriended Ghost, who brought him to the lush plains of Ru'uan.

Quiet, skilful, polite, generous, ruthless, effective, efficient, remorseless, always follows orders, grim faced, somewhat over religious, mysterious

Reading, silence, playing board games (especially chess), spices, curry, spicy food, relaxing music

I'm not to sure if he hates anything, if he does he doesn't show it.

'I have survived the sands. You will be nothing.'
'Rest in the hands of Allah.'
'Death awaits us all. My job is to get them there a little faster.'
'Very well.'

Theme song
I don't wanna die by Nerdout.

If he isn't partnered with Ghost, he's partnered with Jack Cromwell.
Blueflame doesn't take physical damage (since it's made from flames)

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