Oc stories 3: Hunter of the wicked, well....sort of.

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Characters include
Huston Everest
Justin Steel (noideafor oc)
Justin Knightfall (Just1nR1pper oc)
This story takes place just before the summoning of them in Island of the dead chapter 4: Keep moving forwards.
Enjoy this tale

Justin Knightfall looked around nervously. His face showed no emotion, though his eyes told a different story. He took a swig of his drink, trying not to think about the yellow eyes that were now burnt into the back of his mind. The cold of the night sky was unusual for the region they were camping in. The weak campfire only flickered and spluttered out when a cold powerful gust of wind rushed in. Darkness rushed in like a cavalry charge as soon as the fire spluttered out. He fidgeted with his butterfly knives, nerves getting the better of him. The other man, who had originally sat opposite of Knightfall stood up; stretching his arms.
"Right. I'll go get some firewood. Be ba-"
"No. Don't." Knightfall didn't control his words. The leather bound man turned into his direction.
"You Okay? You seem really nervous about something."
"Steel. What if I told you a secret. Would you keep it silent?"
"Yeah. We're friends. Is this something Nature knows, or is it just me?"
"Just you. Just you." Knightfall admitted, waving his arm in a slight dismissal gesture.
"Alright! Tell me." Steel said, slightly carefree.
"I have a vampire hunter chasing me." Knightfall admitted.
"There a problem with that? You've f'ed up demons pretty badly mate. And you're scared of this guy?"
"This man has hunted countless demons and vampires, across the face of the world he has hunted various prey and recently he has turned his eyes on me."
"You're practically immortal. This guy is probably a dude by the seam of his pants!"
Knightfall shook his head.
"I've seen him fight Nihil off with not many problems. And slaughter many of his shades by himself. He's been trained vigorously I know that. He has fighting styles engraved in Dragon Berserkers and Dragon Legionnaires. I want to think that I'm just really tired and I'm hallucinating, but I know he's there and that scares me."
"He fought Nihil? And lived!" Steel shouted, startling a bunch of crows into the skies.
"Yep. Beat him pretty bad as well."
He looked down to his feet, nerves getting the better of him. Steel only nodded gathering the firewood and dumping it on the charcoal, before lighting it ablaze.

Huston's PoV
I looked into the clearing, feeling a sudden pang of sympathy in my chest. I felt bad for Knightfall, somewhat but I reminded myself why I was here. The dead can't get any deader. I drew my sabre and placed my respirator over my face, and my mask glowed a faded yellow colour as it turned on. I unclipped my sawed off shotgun from my belt and checked the ammo, silver; just what I needed to bring down a vampire. I looked down at my hand to see a small royal purple magic circle which had a skeleton hand in the center of it. I jumped out from the darkened tree line, tossing my magic circle at Knightfall. The two of them jumped up in surprise, Knightfall trying to jump away from the magic circle. Only to have a giant skeletal hand grab him around the ankle and anchored him onto the ground. He turned around, aiming his pistol at me and fired; his dust bullets just pinging off my armour. My sensors in my helmet went into overdrive, giving system damage reports in the upper hand side of the mask's display way. I dived at him, attempting to wrestle him to the ground. However I missed, grounding into the dirt. The man who had been talking to Knightfall pulled the chain off his side, spinning it round like a lasso. Knightfall pulled out his sword whip attempting to lash out at me, but I swiftly dodged to the side; firing my shotgun in retaliation. It struck Knightfall point blank in the chest, sending him flying into the man who was whirling his chain lasso. The magic circle disappeared, evaporating into steam once it had served his purpose. I chucked one of my alchemist's fire grenades into the two of them, lighting them both alight in a blaze of orange fire. I got back up onto my feet, only to have a scalding hot chain wrapped around my wrist. I swallowed down a scream, I fired a buckshot bullet into the chain. It crumpled into some steaming liquid iron onto the grass below me. I looked up to see a man enveloped in the flames, his flesh slowly dripping off his now flaming skull. Antonio's words now echoed through my head. Please don't use the alchemist's fire unless you really really have to. It's pretty damn horrific to watch, and smells absolutely horrible. I wondered if this was a side effect from the alchemist's fire's oil. That was until he pointed a skeleton hand at me, shocking me in the moment. "Why do you attack a protector of light?" It asked, a ominous voice echoing out of the skeleton head. It's chain dropping to the side, flames creeping up the chain.
"He is a creature of the undead. Something that should have never existed in the first place."
"And you'd risk a war with the primordials to kill a single vampire?"
"I have struck a deal with a Titan dragon, one of the few beings that can kill elder gods. More specifically a Titan dragon of death. Father of vampires, King of hell and Lord of dragons the Blackdread."
The skeleton flames man laughed, which sounded more like chattering teeth. Then he realised I wasn't laughing.
"Oh s**t. You're being serious?" He asked, stopping his chattering laughter. I nodded, seeing the blaze dying slightly I launched forwards; impaling my sabre through his skull. He laughed again.
"Really? I'm a f**king spawn of the devil himself! You think a-"
My sabre glowed silver and he started to scream as I tore my blade through his skull, sending him flying several meters. Knightfall sprang up on top of me, holding his khopesh to my neck.
"What in chaos do you want with me?" He asks, his shotgun wounds slowly closing up from the silver ammunition I had used. I slammed my butt of my shotgun in his face, causing him to fall backwards onto the ground. I tried to fire my gun but found it jammed, I growled and leapt at Knightfall with my sabre over my head. He dodged my downwards strike by the skin of his teeth. He kicked me in the side, trying to knock me to the side. I only retaliated by plunging my combat knife into his ankle. He winced in pain, kicking me in the face which sent me tumbling into the a man who I recognised well.
Oh. It's the boy who Blackheart tried to kill. That means he's a rider. A ghost rider.
I gritted my teeth, throwing a fiery orange magic circle with a hellhound's face on it. It landed at the boy's feet which he promptly ran over in his rush to get to over to Knightfall. There was a sudden roar of flames as the boy suddenly divided into two people, the rider who I had been fighting and the boy. Suddenly the rider disappeared, leaving only the boy looking shocked. "What did you do?" He asked, looking at me.
"Banishment. A spell that, depending on how it's cast, can permanently get rid of a spirit. Thankfully kid, I did a temporary banishment on your rider cause I knew you parents. Put Blackheart 6 foot under for yah as well, thank me later." I replied, remembering the horrified look in his face as I lifted my sawed off shotgun to his bleeding head. Before kicking him where the sun don't shine. Expected me to have a sense of honour? Nah man, I fight down and dirty. He dropped to the floor, wincing in pain as I charged at Knightfall who was attempting to pull out my combat knife. Then a large 8ft diameter black portal opened up above us and sucked us all in.

And that ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls is how I ended up on the island of the dead.

My big o'l book of OC'sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن