Oc 6: Jack 'Brit'.

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Jack 'Brit' Cromwell



Union Jack (ha ha. Flag puns)
Blue and red
Bloody Brit (to enemies)
Slayer of Skystead (Phoenix alliance.)
Hot and cold
Fire and ice
British Idiot (Amber)
British lion (Ru'uanians)
Beaten lion (Cinder/Mercury/Emerald)
Little lion (Nihil) (As a form of insult)

As British as they come.

After some human experiments (that will be explained later I promise) he was given the power to either blast fire at his enemies or ice blasts to knock them out cold, though not at the same time (ha ha ha. More puns and a tap joke. Wow I'm on a roll)   He can use these abilities to fight at close range (with his fists on fire or iced up like pykrete) or deliver long-ranged deadly barrages. He often wears knuckle dusters in order to lessen the strain on his arms.
Two spiked knuckle dusters
A pistol with a silencer.
Several grenades (smoke, tear, frag, incendiary, stun, Molotov cocktails)
Twin retractable batons (for when he doesn't want to bloody up his fists)
Has a heavy knowledge in most western fighting styles.

Straight (possibly bi)


StoryJack Cromwell was destined for a horrible life from the start

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Jack Cromwell was destined for a horrible life from the start. Born into a penniless family, Jack resorted to crime to sustain himself. His family were made from drunks, drug addicts and gamblers. He often ended up on the wrong end on their drug/alcohol induced anger rants. At the age of 12 he had enough and ran away from home. He worked in a run down boxing gym until he was 16 when again he had to resort to pickpocketing and stealing to get by once more. He was attempting to pickpocket Deimos when the blind man caught him, though instead of sending the young boy to jail he could feel the potential this young man had and trained him to become his protege instead. While Deimos' fighting style focuses on quick take downs and swift kills with little to no blood, let's just say that Jack has a bit more 'brutal' in his nature. At the age of 24 he was kidnapped and experimented on giving him the ice and fire powers he has. Now, after serving Esmend as a lab rat for 3 years, he's ready to break his chains and shatter the mould.

Strong, stubborn, rule breaker, determined, sly, brutal, careless, lives life on the edge, risk taker, head first, talk first think later, Wrong mouthed (has a tendency to swear a lot), grim, doesn't believe in fate, fearless, threatening, anarchist, loyal, dealer, charismatic, strong willed,

Beer, friends, busy streets (reminds him of Oxford street at home), boxing, making people who have oppressed him in the past feel pain, shopping for equipment, Amber (his previous girlfriend & his last.), training, fighting, fighter,

Authority, his parents, starving, having things come too short, loose ends, Cinder and here goons (for killing Amber and jumping him)

'Why would you care?'
'Some people just want to watch the world burn.'
'F them up before they f**k you.'
'No fear. Not in the face of death.'
'You're eternally f**ked.'
'Oh f'ing hell.'
'No rules. More the fun.'
'Bring it Nihil! I'll show you why people don't mess with me!"

Theme song
Discord by the living tombstone

Jake does smoke, though only if his nerves get the better of him.
He is slightly homophobic, after a man tried to molest him as a child. Though he is fine with well meaning couples like Boone and Danse. (HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE)
The mask he wears is a gift from Lòng, who found the mask and retrofitted it with Atlas technology.
Jack learnt how to use twin batons from Ghost.
He has a tendency to swear a lot in bad situations.
He is an anarchist (rebels against any authority/established order/ruling power)
He is known to pickpocket and be a thief if the situation calls for it.
He did have a girlfriend for a brief while. Her name was Amber and was the fall maiden. He was originally hired to protect her, but eventually fell in love with her. After her death, he has refused to fall in love with anyone else.
He was marked by Ragnarök, the Draconian God of vengeance, this mark will keep him alive no matter what happens. He is effectively a champion of Ragnarök, who feasts on destruction and vengeance. The mark in on the right lower side of his neck.

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