The Undead King's armies.

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There is no need for introductions, only the knowledge of his armies could possibly mean you might survive his onslaught. Though his armies do go up in the near infinite numbers, there are some ones that are noticeable and should be careful of if you ever come in contact with his armies. They are as merciless as they are cold and dead. Grey flesh barely clings to their bleached bones as they slay everything that comes across them. Their very steps spreads a fearsome necrotic corruption across the lands and leaves everything as skeletons. If they were to march near or over a area with a lot of dead bodies, these things are reanimated into part of the countless of soldiers in his armies.

Codename: Jotun

Giants from the Norse realm of Jotunheim, these giants are towering at heights of flats and in some rare cases that of skyscrapers

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Giants from the Norse realm of Jotunheim, these giants are towering at heights of flats and in some rare cases that of skyscrapers. These giants are often ice giants and use double handed weapons as well as the use of ice magic to boast their already terrifying presence on the battlefield. These beings are often used as living siege weapons, able to knock down walls and gates as well as transport others to the walls. The only problem with these guys are that they are incredibly slow and highly predictable.

Codename: Jannah

These things are masters with the axe and kill strikes

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These things are masters with the axe and kill strikes. They are often seen putting down ambushes rather then being fighters on the field. They are often seen as more of spirits rather then actual fighters. They are also seen killing off people who survive their massive slaughters. However, they are often seen spreading the most corruption compared to the others.

Codename: Metortin

These knights are the heavy infantry of the undead armies

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These knights are the heavy infantry of the undead armies. They are numerous among the army and are efficient in cutting down their enemies with their massive swords. Though they are pretty slow, they are the main fighting force of the army. And often use their more bulkier armour to take on heavier blows where others just crumple to other blows.

Codename: Calvados

Codename: Calvados

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The Calvary often ride hard and fast onto enemy lines, often used as shock Calvary and using hit and run tactics to suppress their enemies with brutal ideas

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The Calvary often ride hard and fast onto enemy lines, often used as shock Calvary and using hit and run tactics to suppress their enemies with brutal ideas. However, if they are bogged down, they can be quickly cut down and put down. They are often used to spread corruption quickly and are often the first of the army of the dead to be seen.

Codename:  Dragon kin

The Dragonborn who released him in the first place, they have now become his wispy yet terrifying bodyguard in death

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The Dragonborn who released him in the first place, they have now become his wispy yet terrifying bodyguard in death. After they were killed by the undead King, he gave them tiny bits of his power and they started using the warp like Corax Corvus does. Using it for shadowy travel and a wispy form resulting from it. The swords they are given can cut through anything that stands before them and their new king.

Codename: Nightmare

These beasts straight from hell are used as mounts for the elite of the king's armies

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These beasts straight from hell are used as mounts for the elite of the king's armies. Not much is known about then unfortunately.

Codename: The fallen

Dragons that have fallen to his corruption immediately become his fallen

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Dragons that have fallen to his corruption immediately become his fallen. They are often feral and rabid, any knowledge that they held in life is lost as they become more like animals then sentient beings. Instead of their elemental breath attacks, it's a sickening purple smog. This is the necrotic corruption in form and is potent enough to kill anything and everything.

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