Oc 14: Sir Micos Intos

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Sir Ameos Micos Intos (just call him Ameos, it's way more easy)



The cultist paladin
The dark paladin
Lord of the Lightning Lich
Crier of the Raven queen (the Raven queen is the one who leads worthy souls to heaven and snatches the dammed to hell) (Buckethead does the job of sending the undead/ vampires/ Drauger/ shadow Knights/ etc, back into Hades. He also escorts the worthy into heaven when the Raven queen can't.)
The ironclad of Draconia.
The silent swordsman

None. However it sounds really raspy and hoarse. If he speaks at all that is.

Cruel blade (his vampire slaying blade. Knightfall doesn't trust him)

Whiplash (his cat'o'nine tails, though instead of knotted rope/leather strands it is chains)Cry of the Raven queen

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Whiplash (his cat'o'nine tails, though instead of knotted rope/leather strands it is chains)
Cry of the Raven queen. This spell can be used to call spirits of champions who served the Raven queen. His most common summon is a half elf known as Vax'ildan. (Yes this is a call out to people who watch Critical role.)
Lord of the Lightning Lich. This spell can bring forth supremely fast Lich which discharge Lightning as they move. It can only bring five at a time, however he could summon a Lich warrior; this hunky piece of demon steel is a hard hitting tank with Lightning magic. However this beast will replace the other 5 and this really drains Buckethead of his energy.


Normal lightning lich

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Normal lightning lich

(Capable of falchion attacks and short bow attacks

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(Capable of falchion attacks and short bow attacks. Very fast though can't take many attacks themselves)
Warrior lightning lich

 Very fast though can't take many attacks themselves)Warrior lightning lich

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(Capable of using axe/sword attacks and lightning magic. Though not as fast as the normal ones, they can soak up hell loads of damage)

Not much is known of Ameos' past. Though they do know that somewhere during his teenage years the Raven queen's original crier died in combat. She decided to choose the young paladin as her new crier, she tested him by sending the young paladin to slay the Lord of the Lightning Lich. Several thousands of dead Lich later, he met the Lord and slew him; though during the savage battle, the Lord tore out his vocal cords rendering his voice useless. Though he could speak, it sounded more like a rasp then an actual voice. He became a dominant vampire slayer, delivering the Raven queen their souls as a payment for near immortality. He encountered Knightfall several times during combat, always forcing the man near death before Nature (his girlfriend) stops them. Since he killed the original Lord of the Lightning Lich he has since become the new Lord. Recently a cult has sprung up, praising him as a deity, (such acts include eating babies, slaughtering villages, mass genocide, you get the idea) he did not care much for them so didn't take much notice when they were found by the SRA and arrested.
Now he comes to Ru'uan, ready for the latest tasks the queen gives him.

Mysterious, near silent, loyal (to the Raven queen), effective, war hardened,

Shows a distinct hatred for undead (like Knightfall)

Guys. He's near silent and the only words he says are words that are required for spells. There's not many words he can say. Well I guess here's one.
'I pledge allegiance to the queen of all ravens. To serve the worthy and bring back those who are meant to be dead. I shall be your crier.'

Theme song
Worlds collide by Riot feat Nicky Taylor (nightcore version by hard world)

Actually no one has seen under the mask (even I don't know who's under the mask)
All of his loved ones died years ago, meaning he's got nothing holding him back.
Knightfall and him hate each other after their many encounters. Nihil was well aware of this and tried to hire him to kill Knightfall, he was promptly stabbed in the back (most of the gods/ aspects/ goddesses/ messengers/ primordials  of death hate him because he has cheated death so many times) and when Nihil chocked up the words "Traitor." Buckethead merely replied with. "Just doing my job." Before stabbing him in the face.

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