Your eyes- Starr

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It had been a shit day, everything seemed to be going wrong, you where in a fight with your best friend, you'd been fired from your job, your bus pass had expired, and to top it all off when you'd been trying to do the shopping you ended up spilling a container of orange juice all over your loose fitting white shirt, plaid pants, and brand new leather jacket. How could it get any worse?

You walked into a quaint coffee shop on your way home, hoping to get a pick-me-up coffee or something of the sort. You walked in, ordered a coffee, found a seat and set your purse down. Glancing around you saw only you, a cranky looking old man, and some random teddy boy inhabited the shop.

    You sighed and let out a breath you didn't know you'd been holding, the coffee shop was calming, the pure afternoon light coming through the big windows in the front, dark oak paneling on the walls and strings of colorful lights strangely complimented the bright yellows and blues of the abstract art hanging on the walls.

    It was nice, you liked it. The barista called your name and you went to grab your coffee. You took it, and sat back down where you'd been, only his time, the teddy boy had moved to sit across from you. He had on the largest smile, and his face was adorned with the most beautifully colored electric blue eyes. "'Ello love," He said happily, Liverpudlian accent lacing his voice.

    You smiled, for the first time that day, you couldn't help it, this guy was way too adorable, "I love your eyes," you began to add before you could stop yourself, " Y'know I've been having the shittiest day but I think that your eyes help somehow,"
"Oh, well thank'ya sweetheart, the name's Richard, could I get yours?" He asked with a goofy smile, you couldn't resist.

               ~~~~~ Three years later~~~~~

     You laid on the bed with your beautiful fiancé Ritchie, you smiled as his beautiful electric blue eyes stared at you in admiration. "You're beautiful Y'know," you told him. He laughed at that and said, "  Well I'm hardly the beautiful one, it's really paul," not expecting this at all you burst into laughter

   "Macca huh, not me?" He pretend to look thoughtful for a moment, you smiled at him, his eyes looking as perfect as ever in the pure mid afternoon sunlight once again, "Well N/n it's a close call, but I think you just might be prettier the McCartney,"
You giggled at him and kissed his plump lips softly. " I love you blue eyes," you whispered with a smile.

   "I love you ange, so much, you don't even know," he replied, starring in admiration once more before saying, " I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Starkey, I can't bloody wait," you smiled and ran your hand thought his soft brown hair, "Me neither rings, me neither,"

   You couldn't have asked for better. You got so unbelievably lucky. You have you're beautiful blue eyed drummer. What more could a girl want?

And He Loves You:  Beatles One shots and imaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt