Kai freaking Parker

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"I promise, But I am going to try my best to get us both out of this Hell." Bonnie said as she pulled into the Drive way. "Bonnie I'm a witch too I can take care of myself, I just want you to jump at the chance of getting out of here." Y/n said as she got out of the car and into the boarding house.


Bonnie has been mumbling words in Latin for the pass three hours so Y/n got out of the house and started to walk around town. Y/n didn't mind being there it gave her some type of peace. Maybe its because she is not dealing with other peoples problems or maybe its because it gives her time to sort out everything in her head.

Y/n walked into the store to get a few groceries that they needed. Y/n grabbed buggie (shopping cart, I call them buggies)  and started to walk around she went to grab the bag of pork rines that were there the last time she was shopping but now they were gone.

"They were just here the other day." Y/n said out loud. She looked around thinking Maybe Bonnie was messing with her but she didn't see anyone so she got back to shopping. She grabbed a carton of milk and eggs. She walked to the candy isle and grabbed her and Bonnie a few chocolate bars. She walked into the check out line and bagged all of her stuff.

She had finished bagging the groceries when she heard something moving in the store. "Bonnie?" Y/n called out, but when Bonnie didn't answer she just started to bag the rest then she heard it again. She but the groceries down and started to look around.

"Hello!" Y/n called out as she started to walk around the store. "Y/n." Bonnie called as she saw Y/n walking in the back of the store. "Were you just back there?" Y/n asked Bonnie pointing to the back corner of the store. "No, why?" Bonnie asked as she walked over to stand beside Y/n. "I thought I heard something." Y/n said as she started to walk over to where she heard the noise.

"Who the hell are you?" Bonnie asked the guy who was sitting in the lounge chair that was sitting in the store. "I'm Kai, And your Bonnie and you..." kai said looking at Y/n. "You are Y/n." Kai said with a smile. "How did you two get here?" Kai asked Y/n and Bonnie as he threw a pork rine into his mouth.

"So that's where those went." Y/n  said as she looked at Kai's hand that held the bag of pork rines. "Oh these, You want one?" Kai asked holding the bag out for Y/n to take one. "Yes please." Y/n said with a smile and went to walk up to him but Bonnies arm stopped her. "Wait just a second. If this is a prison world then why the hell are you here?" Bonnie asked Kai with a serious face. "Oh that, Well I murdered most of my family and cut out my younger sisters spleen." Kai said making Bonnie shocked but Y/n giggled on accident. Bonnie gave Y/n a look that said ' your not helping and this guys a psycho.'

"Was that funny to you?" Kai asked with a smile on his face. "Yes... I'm mean no... I'm mean I've done stuff like that." Y/n rambled looking at Kai then Bonnie who seemed shocked at this news. "Wait you've killed people?" Bonnie asked looking at Y/n with a shocked look. "Yeah, I mean I have. . . . . .but. . . . . . Don't give me those judgey  eyes." Y/n said looking at Bonnie.

"Okay so I guess you know how to get out of here." Kai said as he stood up and started to walk towards Y/n and Bonnie. Y/n and Bonnie walked Backwards as he walked forwards. "Sorry,  but I mean we just met but like I think you're crazy." Bonnie said looking at kai. "I mean Y/n here has killed people what's the difference between Me and her?" Kai said as he started to point at Y/n. "Your a witch." Y/n said all of a sudden. "But your also not your a Siphoner." Y/n said making Bonnie and Kai shocked. "How did you know that?" Kai asked as he looked at her confused. "I'm a siphoner as well I just.. I assumed that you were due to the fact I can feel your magic only when you try to take Bonnies magic away." Y/n said shocking Kai because he actually was draining Bonnies magic, But he was doing it slowly since he wanted it to slowly come to her. "I think I like you we could be a team." Kai said as he stepped closer to Y/n.

"So why did we allow a crazy murderer to come with us?" Bonnie asked as she motioned to the Man in the kitchen raiding their fridge. "I think he can help us getting out." Y/n said as she looked at the Beautiful blue eyed man. If you looked at Y/n long enough you would think she was In love with him. "You have a crush on him, Don't you?" Bonnie teased. "No of course not! I just met him." Y/n said as she looked at Bonnie with a straight face, but if you were close enough she had a slight blush on her cheeks.

~ Few days later~

"Bonnie where is Y/n?" Kai whined as he looked at the Brown eyed girl. "She was going to get some shampoo and stuff." Bonnie said as she looked at the Blue eyed boy. "Oh well when will she be.." Kai started but his words were cut off by Y/n walking into the house with a bag in her hands. "Y/n, need help?" Bonnie asked as she looked at Y/n. "No I'm good thanks though." Y/n said as she started to walk up the stairs to but the stuff in the bag away.

"Okay tomorrow we're getting the hell out of here." Bonnie said as she looked up at Y/n with a smile. "Yes!" Taylor said with a smile. "What are you two ladies up to?" Kai asked as he walked in and stole a piece of bacon from the plate making Y/n smack his hand and Playfully glare at him making him smile at her. "We are leaving here tomorrow." Bonnie said as she took a bite of her pancake Y/n had made. "Oh good what time should I be up?" Kai asked as he stood beside Y/n. "The eclipse is at 9:13 in the morning so we have to leave here by 8:30" Y/n said as she took another bite of her pancake. "Good." Kai said as he stole Y/n plate and started to eat her food. "Kai!" Y/n whined. "To bad." Kai said as he ate her food. "Fine" Y/n said as she got up and went to take a shower.

~ The next day at 7:00 Am~

"Y/n. . Y/n." Bonnie whispered as she lightly shook Y/n from her lovely dream. "Go away." Y/n  said as she flipped over away from Bonnie. "Sorry but if you want to get the hell out of here without kai get up and get your stuff together." Bonnie said making y/n fully aware of what was going on. "Okay."

~ At the cave for the eclipse~'

"Okay so all you do is cut your hand then say the spell." Y/n said as she handed the ascendant to Bonnie from out of her bag. "Okay." Bonnie said as she looked at Y/n and gave her soft smile. "You can do this Bonnie." Y/n said as the eclipse started. Bonnie started to Speak in Latin. Bonnie was almost done with the spell when Kai showed up. "You were going to leave with out me!" Kai yelled at them both. "After I taught you the spell so we could get out of here you try to leave with out me." Kai said a little shocked. "You killed your own family kai. Its not right." Bonnie said then went back to speaking in Latin. Kai noticed they were about to leave the prison world so he grabbed Y/n and moved taking her place then Y/n was left by herself in the prison world. "Good Luck." Y/n whispered as she looked to her side which had a stick going threw it. "Great" Y/n said to herself.

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