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So Some how hope got Haley and y/n to agree on moving into the Mikealson mansion. They started to pack all their stuff up with the help of Hope as well.

" So does this mean I can have a room next to You still?" Hope asked y/n as she put the last of the boxes in the trunk of her car.

"I don't know you will have to see when we get there, but you could always find a room that close to mine." Y/n answered looking at Hope with a smile. " Yay" Hope said and got in the front seat since Haley was already at the mansion.

( At the mansion )

" Ah little wolf, you made it." Klaus said as he walked outside to y/ns car. " Hi dad, I finally got aunt Y/n and mom move in just like you asked." Hope said with a smile. Klaus looked up at y/n with a cleaver smirk. " Yes, but we did say we were going to try and not let them know I was up to that." Klaus said while he was leaned down to Hopes height. " Oh yea, Sorry." Hope said as she ran off with a smile. " So you put her up to that?" Y/n Asked as she grabbed a box out of the trunk of the car. " Well yes you weren't moving in with just me asking." Klaus said with a flirty smile. " Yes, that's the reason." Y/n said teasing.



" That's the rest of it." Y/n said as she sat down the last box in front of Haley. " Thank God I think I would be died if I wasn't a hybrid." Hayley said as she stretched out her back some. " well your child is very spoiled by this family." Y/n said with a chuckle. " Yes she is." Hayley said as she sat down on the bed. Y/n started to put Hopes stuff away.

Klaus walked into the room to see Hayley resting and y/n putting most of Hopes stuff away."I see you both have had a long day." Klaus said leaning on the door frame. " Yep." Hayley said popping the 'p'. Making y/n and Klaus chuckle. " Hope." Y/n called as Hope walked into the room From behind Klaus. " Aunty." Hope said as she sat beside her. Y/n leaned down and picked her up. " How 'bout we leave your mom and dad to talk and you and I go out to the garden." Y/n said making the small child smile. " Can we turn the flowers into roses?" Hope asked with a pout. " Yes, we can." Y/n answered making the small child jump out of her arms and drag her down the stairs. With Klaus calling for her behind her.

" I love roses!" Hope squealed as she ran through the flowers y/n  had just turned into roses

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" I love roses!" Hope squealed as she ran through the flowers y/n had just turned into roses. " I love these." Hope said as she smelled the soft rose. " Hey hope." Y/n called from the other side of the garden. " Yea?" Hope asked as she stood in front of y/n. " Want to learn a few thing?" Y/n asked as she sat down on the green grass. " Is that even a question?" Hope asked as she sat in front of Y/n. " Okay so take the pedals out of the rose." Y/n said as she grabbed a bowl and a bottle of water off of the table beside her. " Why then the flower wouldn't be pretty?" Hope asked as she stared at the rose in her hand. " Well I promise when were done we will put the rose back together." Y/n promised. " Okay." Hope said as she started to peal the flower apart.

The anchor ( editing at the moment) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora