Bad Luck : (

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Y/n and Hayley got back to Y/n's House. It was a 2 story house outside of New Orleans, But only 20 Miles from the Mikealson's.  Y/n got out of the car and grabbed Hayley's bags. She grabbed the bags and walked Hayley into the house.

"Your house is very nice." Hayley complimented. "Thank you, I figured its better to stay near New Orleans but not be in New Orleans." Y/n said as she looked at the young wolf. "You can pick any room you feel comfortable in. My rooms up stairs second door on the right if you need me or you feel more comfortable there." Y/n said as she sat Hayley's bag on the counter in the kitchen. "I wouldn't take your room just because I was comfortable there Y/n, Its your house." Hayley said as she looked at Y/n. "Yes I know, but its better for you and the baby to be comfortable." Hayley didn't fight with it and started to look around.

After a few minutes Hayley saw the room she was going to have. It was the room next to Y/N. It was very opened. It had a couple windows with a light brown color. It was a nice room with a king size bed and a couple book shelfs. It was very nice compared to the Mikealson's Mansion. That was too much for Haley.

"So did you pick a room?" Y/n asked as she cooked supper for the two of them. "Yes the one next to yours, was the one I chose." Hayley said as she sat down at the bar. "I like that room, I was thinking you would chose it." Y/n said with a smile as she Fixed the pasta on the plates.

"This is so good. It's better than any food I have ever ate." Hayley said as she chugged the food down. "Well thank you, I used to cook for my brother and sister." Y/n said as she took her last bite of Pasta. "Your brother and sister, you don't talk much about them." Hayley said she took a sip of her water. "My sister is dead and my brother believes I'm dead." Y/n said as she grabbed her and Hayley's plate. "Wait your brother doesn't know your alive, why?" Hayley asked as she helped clear the table.

"Well before I came to New Orleans I was just the Anchor to the other side. Then I told my brother that our sister was dead and he didn't believe me so I ran off with out him. Which was a bad decision because I was kidnapped and  Tortured  for answer's. Then after I died from that I was told from a few witches." Hey your the anchor of the other side and your a gifted witch. So we're gonna resurrect you as a immortal Tri-brid and your going to live. Because if not you and the whole other side are going to die"." Y/n rambled as she washed the dishes. "So like, Nothing can kill you?" Hayley asked handing her a few more dishes. "Yup." Y/n said popping the 'p'.

After Y/n washed all the dishes, dried and put them away. Her and Hayley went off to bed, but something rudely interrupted her sleep by banging on the door. Y/n walked to Hayley's room to check on her  She was still sound a sleep. Y/n put a spell on Hayley's room so Nothing or nobody could enter unless it was Hayley or Y/n.

Y/n ran down the stairs and opened the door. She looked out of it and saw a pissed off Klaus. "Hello, Love, is the little wolf here." Klaus asked as he tried to come in, but was stopped by the magical barrier. "Can't say Klaus, but if she was I would say anything from Lurking ears." Y/n said as she looked at Klaus then sensing something around them. "Yes will as you already know the wolf is pregnant with my child and I have to be taking care of her so if you would kindly let me take her back to my house." Klaus said as he tried to get her to let him in the house.

"Klaus as much as you are to me Your not getting in this house. I'm sorry." Y/n said looking at the hybrid. "Fine, but you will take care of her." Klaus said looking at Y/n (Your eye color) eyes. "Klaus No Vampire has stepped foot in this house nor would they with out coming through me. Plus I have a spell around here that nobody but Haley and I can come into this house so I pretty sure this house is the safest place for the poor girl to be at." Y/n said looking into Klaus blue eyes.

"I still love you, you know." Klaus said as he grabbed her hands. "Yes, I know but I don't see how we can be together right now with everything that's going on." Y/n said looking at Klaus with a frown plastered on her face. "But you love me, don't you?" Klaus asked looking into her beautiful eyes. "Yes. Yes of course I love you. I have never loved somebody so much in my life like you, But its safer to not be together while Hayley is pregnant." Y/n said as she cupped his checks and looked into his blue eyes. Klaus glanced between her eyes and lips and she slowly leaned in and then he followed.

Their kissed was slow at first, but then slowly turned into a lustful make out. After a few minutes Y/n pulled away and looked into the Hybrids eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be doing this. Not while you and Hayley are having a child together." y/n said as she looked down at the ground. "Is that what this is about? You think I'm in love with Her? I am not in love with her. I want you, I love you Y/n Donovan. It's always going to be you. Always and forever." Klaus said as he pulled her chin up to look him in his eyes. "I love you too. so much but I need to protect you and your family away from people." Y/n said as she pulled away slightly.

"What do you mean? Who are you protecting us from?" Klaus asked getting a little angry. "There are witches. They are trying to get the ancestors to agree and give them the power of killing you and your family, possibly your baby and baby mama to. So I took Hayley with me and sealed her in the house. I was protecting her and your child." Y/n said with tears going down her face. "Then will kill them every single one. You can help , your as powerful as Freya." Klaus said as he looked into her beautiful eyes.

A few minutes later Y/n and Klaus heard someone move in the woods surrounding the house veins popped up on both of their faces. She looked around and vamp sped away she looked around and saw a few witches doing magic. She listened and saw they were doing a sacrifice. She vamp sped and grabbed the girl out of the middle she snapped every single one of the witches necks and look at the girl. " Davinia?"

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