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A/n: Edited May 28, 2020

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( Y/n POV )

I turned around, seeing Elena and Caroline staring at Jeremy and me. Then I saw what they were staring at my hand which was still on Jeremys.

"Sorry." I whispered pulling away from his hands.

"There's no need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." Jeremy explained with a friendly smile.

I looked back to see Elena and Caroline still staring at me.

"Are they making you uncomfortable?" Jeremy asked looking at me then the girls. I was about to reply but Matt texted me.

"Its Matt, I'm sorry, but I have to go get him. Do you need me to take you home or are you going with Elena?" I asked getting up, grabbing my jacket and bag.

I laid the money for my meal and stuff on the table.

"Its alright. Elena is taking me home but thanks for the ride over." Jeremy said hugging me.

I smiled back while hugging him then walked out of the grill going to the truck to leave.

( 3rd POV )

Y/n walked out to her truck got in and drove back to the school to get her brother from practice.

Once she got there, she got out and looked for Matt.

She walked to the football field and Saw Matt and Tyler talking.

"Hey Matt." Y/n said making her presents known.

"Hey, (Your nickname)." Tyler greeted with a small wave and smile.

"Hey, Ty." Y/n replied with polite smile.

"So Matty, Are you ready?" Y/n asked messing with the keys in her hand.

"Yeah we have to give Tyler a ride home so I'm driving and your in the middle." Matt Said taking the keys out of his older sisters hand.

"Okay." y/n replied with ease, which made Tyler and Matt look at each other confused

Usually Y/n would fuss and groan. -She didn't really seem to care for Tyler too much. He was nice sometimes, but other times he can be an asshole.

They all walked to the truck, but unlike what they thought Y/n jumped into the bed of the truck and sat down, a satisficed smile on her face as she sat down leaning her back on the cab of the truck.

"You're unbelievable." Matt said getting in the truck with Tyler following suit.

The ride back was fine. Y/n liked riding on the back of the pickup. It made her feel normal. Other than seeing ghost all the freakin' time.

They pulled up at Matt and Y/n's House which confused her, but she got up and jumped off the bed of the truck.

She walked up to the door and Unlocked the door. She walked to her room and sat down at her bed. She started to do her homework, Until Someone interrupted. TYLER. . . .

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