How are you a tri-brid?

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"How are you a tri- brid?" Klaus asked walking up to Y/n. "Damon Salvatore killed me While I was the anchor. When I died I went to the other side. Your mom, Ester told me I was part witch then she said the only way to bring me back was to turn me so she gave me her blood and snapped my neck. She fed me her blood when she was done. Then I came back to life." Y/n explained as she looked around and saw Everyone shocked other than Rebekah. "Are you a danger to us?" Kol asked studying Y/n. "No, nobody knows I'm alive, other than y'all and whoever sees me here." Y/n said and looked towards Rebekah. She looked like she was in pain. "Bex are you okay?" Y/n asked concerned. Rebekah looked like she was going to pass out. "Yeah um.. I think there's something in my back." Rebekah said. Y/n walked around to see a stake in her back. Y/n grabbed it and pulled it out. Rebekah automatically started to heal.

After all that fun stuff of explaining everything y/n left their house and started to walk out to her car. She made it to her car but then she heard someone behind her. She started a Spell to make any super natural creature head bust but once she turned around she saw Klaus. She stopped the spell. "Oh sorry Klaus." Y/n apologized walking towards him. "What are you doing out here?" Y/n asked while looking at the hybrid. "I've come to walk you home. But then I saw you had your car so I came to tell you good night so." Klaus said and walked closer to her.

"Good night Ms. Donovan." Klaus said kissing the back of her hand. "Good night Mr. Mikealson. Will I see you tomorrow?" She asked as she threw her Bag in the trunk of her car. "If you would like to see me tomorrow, I will diffidently make sure that happens." Klaus said looking up at the (Your eye color) eyed girl. Y/n started to relies how close they were when Klaus started to lean in. She leaned in meeting him half way and kissed him. The kiss was sweet and slow. She pulled back when she thought about wanting to breath. Even though as a tri-brid she was sure she didn't need the air. He looked at her with a small smile on his face which made her smile they both leaned in again and kissed. This time much more powerful. It turned to be a make out session against her car. They didn't stop for anything. Not even for air until they heard someone clear their throat. They turned and saw Kol smirking at them. "Break it up you two or get a room." Kol said smirking at the both of them which made Y/n blush. She turned away from both of the brothers.

Y/n blushed moving away from klaus with a smile. "Good night Kol, Night Klaus." Y/n said as she got into her car. "Night, Love." Klaus said as he turned to his younger brother. "Good night, Darling." Kol said and waved. Y/n started her car and drove home.

The next day.

( Klaus pov)

I woke up thinking about Y/n. How I wish to make her mine. Something just draws her to me. I don't know what but I decided to go invite her to breakfast for the both of us. I got a shower and got dressed. After I got dressed I grabbed a blood bag from the fridge and drinked it while going to my car. I drove to her apartment and got out. I knocked on her door. When it opened I saw someone that was not Y/n, but a man. Automatically my brain tells me she was with him and the other thinks maybe its the wrong door.

"Is this Y/n apartment?" I asked looking at Stefan. " Uh, No I think you have the wrong room Klaus." Stefan said looking at me. I was about to leave when I heard some shuffling in the room then a groan I automatically knew Y/n was hurt. " Stefan I know she's in her so move to the side before I make you." I demanded. I walked in and didn't see anything until I saw a staked Y/n in the middle of the floor of the kitchen. I thought my heart had been ripped out.

I ran over to her and saw her body was all gray. I had tears running down my face. I got up and looked at Stefan and his brother. I got up to rip their hearts out but they ran out the door. I tried to get out but some how they have a spell around the room. I paced around the room until I heard a groan. I walked to where I heard the noise and saw Y/n had woke up. She pulled the steak out of her heart and tried to sit up. I ran over to her and ingulfed her in a huge hug.

"I love you so much please never leave me ever." I said holding Y/n in my arms. "I wont, I promise, I love you too." She said and hugged me. I felt like my world was healed the moment she came back. I looked into her beautiful (Your eye color) eyes then they turned black. I looked at her and then she practically turned into a another person. She pushed away from me. "Niklaus, this is your mother possessing her body if you don't get your siblings and bring them here she will die, You have 30 minutes. If you don't believe." Ester said through Y/n body. Y/n walked over and grabbed a knife and stabbed her stomach. "Let this prove to you, I mean business." Ester said.

In a flash Klaus was in His house he told everyone about what just freakin happened. Then they got Davina and did a protection spell on Y/n's soul. They were going to Stake Y/n with a white oak which would kill and destroy anything in her soul. Ester would be gone. Then Y/n would be back in a few hours.

Klaus came back to Y/n apartment with all his siblings.

( Y/n POV )

I could feel Ester using my body. I knew I had a way of getting out of her other than her possessing my body. I planed on doing a spell of when she got out of my body I would Destroy her for good. Nobody would have to deal with her. I thought of a spell then remembered the one I saw a soul destroying spell in Esters grimoire. I started to chant the spell. I chanted it until somethin happened I felt my body hot like I was on fire.

( Esters POV )

I felt myself Begin to burn They really did stake her. I didn't think they had it in them to do that. But then I felt relief. I looked around and saw I was back on the other side. But as soon as I felt relief I felt the ground rumble I looked down and the earth swallowed me. I was in hell.

( Y/n POV )

I woke up to be on a bed. I looked around and didn't relies where I was. I tried to get up but I couldn't I was to weak. But then I manifested enough strength to get up. But then I was pushed back down. I saw Klaus was beside me and I was relieved. I got up and hugged Klaus he hugged back very quickly. He leaned down and kissed me Lets just say they didn't just kiss ; )

The anchor ( editing at the moment) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora