what you wanted.

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So I was wondering what do you guys want to happen do you want Y/n and Klaus to be together or do you want another person and Y/n to be together. It would help me out so much if you guys gave me your input. That's what keeps me writing so if I don't get any feed back I'm just going to end the book.


Y/n looked at Davina in her arms and looked down she was bleeding. Y/n bit her wrist and fed her blood to her. She waited for Her to heal before she called Kol. "Hello Y/n, to what do I own the pleasure?" Kol asked through the phone. You could practically hear his smirk. "Well your girlfriend is at my house, The witches took her, but I have her now and she is safe and healed." Y/n said as she looked at Davina then back out at Klaus who was getting rid of the bodies. "I'm on my way." Kol said and hung up.

"You weren't lying when you said you were protecting us all." Klaus said as he walked on the front porch of Y/n's house. "Well its what I promised Rebekah." Y/n said as she looked over at the hybrid. "Rebekah? She knew something was going to be after us?" Klaus asked looking at the tri-brid. "Yes" Y/n said put turned around when she heard Hayley open the door.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked looking Hayley over to see if she had any injuries. "Yes I'm fine. Klaus, what are you doing here?" Hayley asked as she stepped out on the porch. "I was here to get you, but Y/n has convinced me to let you stay." Klaus said looking between Hayley and Y/n. "Well if that's all." Hayley said looking at the hybrid then to Y/n. " I'm going to fix me something to drink do you want any?" Hayley asked Y/n. "No, thank you." Y/n said looking at Hayley with a smile. Hayley looked between Y/n and Klaus. Haley walked back into the house and shut the door.

"Why are you helping her?" Davina asked looking at Y/n. "Because she is having something I can only dream of having." Y/n said thinking about the unborn baby Hayley is carrying. "You have much more respect then I would ever have with someone who was carrying the love of my life's kid." Davina said as she looked at Y/n, but then looked at Kol who was sitting at the bottom of the stairs. "Well Y/n is a respectful woman. She is respectful and others respect her." Kol said as he kissed the top of Davina's head.

After all that Y/n finally walked back into the house. She laid on her bed. She was almost asleep when she heard feet running. She vamp sped up and ran out her room to Hayley. She walked into the bathroom and held Hayley's hair as she puked her guts out. "I don't want to be pregnant any more." Hayley cried as she looked up at Y/n. "It will all be over soon." Y/n cooed as she rubbed Hayley's hair out of her face and behind her ears. "Why are you being so nice to me when your in love with Klaus?" Hayley asked as she laid in Y/n's arms. "I'll protect you from all those who are after you. I am here because you are having something that I will never have the chance to have. . . A child. Which is going to be the best thing that's going to happen to You and Klaus. This is Klaus' Hope. Hope of redemption." Y/n said as she soothed Hayley by brushing her fingers through the girls hair.

After a few minutes Y/n picked Hayley up and put her in Hayley's bed. She walked out the door and into her own room. And she fell asleep.

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