Stuck in a prison world

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Y/n and Bonnie woke up in the woods. Y/n looked at Bonnie and Bonnie looked at her. "Are we dead?" Bonnie asked Y/n. Y/n looked around and grabbed a rock and slit her hand. "Nope." Y/n said then watched her Hand heal. "Alright, now what?" Bonnie asked as she looked to Y/n. "We look around." Y/n said as she stood up and dusted off her pants and helped Bonnie up to her feet. 

Y/n and Bonnie walked from the woods to the Salvatore's since it was the closest. they both walked into the house and looked around. It was empty. No signs of anyone. "Damon! Stefan!" Bonnie yelled walking through the house. "Nobody's here." Bonnie said as she walked to Y/n who was pouring her a glass of bourbon. "They'll show." Y/n said as she sat down but something caught her eye. A newspaper. "Hey Bonnie, I know why nobody's here." Y/n said as she tossed the newspaper to Bonnie. "What?" Bonnie asked as she looked at the paper. "The date." Y/n said as she stood there. 

"1993" Bonnie said quietly. "We're in 1993, how the hell did we go back in time." Bonnie said as she threw the newspaper on the coffee table. "We didn't, we're in a prison world." Y/n said as she sat on the Couch. "A prison world?" Bonnie questioned. "Yup usually its to punish people. Boy is it a punishment." Y/n said as she looked to the short haired witch. "How long will we be here?" Bonnie asked as she finally sat down. "Who knows, just gonna have to get use to it,. We might be here for a while." Y/n said as she sat up and went to the kitchen to get some food. 

"There is no food." Y/n complained. "We have to go grocery shopping!" Y/n yelled to Bonnie. "We don't have a car." Bonnie said as she walked into the kitchen. "Well that means we have to walk. We can just pushed the Shopping cart back here when we're done." Y/n said with a shrug. "So that's where your going to the grocery store?" Bonnie asked Y/n. "Yup I haven't ate today." Y/n said as she walked out the door with Bonnie following her. 

"I hate this." Bonnie whined as we finally made it to the store. "Bonnie I told you, you could have stayed at the house and I would be back." Y/n said as she grabbed a shopping cart and went threw the store. They went threw a few isles picking up some chips, and soda. Y/n walked to the alcohol isle and picked up a bottle of Whiskey and started to drink it out of the bottle and continued shopping. 

When they were finally done they had a whole bunch of food for Supper, lunch and breakfast for the week. "So now what?" Bonnie asked as they were still walking in the store. "Well right this second I think these sunglasses really work for me." Y/n said as she put the sunglasses on her faces after she tore the tag off. They walked out of the building and looked around. There was a whole bunch of cars but none of them had keys. " Stay over here." Y/n said as she walked to a car and opened the door. She sat in the car and slid the seat back so she could get under the steering wheel. She pulled out the board and took two wires and flicked them together and eventually got the Black Camaro started. She pulled the car over to Bonnie and smile. "Your ride my lady." Y/n side in a  fancy accent. Bonnie and Y/n put the groceries in the trunk and Y/n drove back to the Boarding house. 

"So are you going to tell me how the hell you know how to hot wire a car." Bonnie said looking at Y/n. "You live and learn, but I will not tell you how." Y/n said with a smile and pulled into the drive way. "So do you know whos car that is?" Bonnie asked as she stepped out of the car. "ts mine, before I bought it." Y/n said as she got out and grabbed some groceries out of the trunk and walked into the house and put them away. 

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